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Shawn's POV

"So Shawn, how's Kelsey?" Sam smirked, taking a long sip of the beer that he held in his hand. I mentally growled at him for bringing her up.

"Good." I mumbled, keeping my answer short. My mind was still pulsing at last night's events, and I knew I couldn't tell Sam. He would tease me about it until the streets went dark.

"Have you asked her yet, it's already been a week." He replied stating the obvious. No shit Sherlock.

"Stop being so pushy, I'll do it when I'm ready." I spat and prayed he would change the subject. I felt awkward as it is already.

"Okay, okay. Chill," Sam chuckled with his head shaking. I clenched my jaw. As much as I respected Sam, I wanted to kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

I guess you could say she was a touchy subject as of now. Even the mention of her name sent my nerves through the roof.

"You're loosing time if you want to win this," His smirk widened at his attempt to push my buttons.

"Fuck off, Sam!" I groaned, running a hand through my hair and gripping it in irritation.

I had never protected a girl in this way before, not to sam anyway. If this was someone else, we would be having a different conversation right now.

"I'm sorry!" He chuckled, finding humour in my annoyance. "What's got you so wound up anyway?"

I glared at him, completely ignoring his question with a shrug. I couldn't deal with his behaviour right now.

I glanced at the time that popped up on my home screen, 2:15. I quickly remembered I texted Kelsey to tell her I was coming to see her at 2:30.

"I have to get going," I huffed whilst standing up out of my seat. Sam's eyes followed me and he nodded in understanding.

I said my goodbyes and walked out of his house, and towards my car that was sitting in the driveway.

Nervous feeling sprung in my stomach at the thought of seeing her again. Why was I so nervous? I was fine yesterday...

I ignored the voices in my head and pulled out of the driveway, typing in Kelsey's address in my gps.

Kelsey's POV

A knock at the door echoed around my silent house and I took a long breathe of air. I knew it was Shawn, I didn't know what I was going to say to him.

Yesterday's events played in my mind and my cheeks reddened with embarrassment. I was extremely nervous all of a sudden.

I cleared my throat and made my way over to the door, to open it slowly. There he stood in all his glory, his head snapping up at the sound of the door opening.

"Hey," I smiled, my confidence seeming higher than it is as of now.

"Hey!" He returned the smile and stepped into my home once I had opened the door wide enough.

"I brought some snacks," He held up a plastic bag in his hands, a bag of Doritos sticking out of the top. My head looked up when he mentioned snacks, and he had a cheeky grin on his face.

My eyes widened and I could feel my mouth water. "You're after my heart!"

I took the bag from his hand and thanked him, seeing him shake his head with laughter. "What do you want to do?"

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