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The tree we laid under had the suns reflection beaming along the bark, all kinds of orange shades reflecting over me and Shawn. I had a call earlier today from him, telling me that he wanted to meet here. And I had to say; this place is beautiful.

Shawn had his back leaned against the tree trunk and I had my head on his lap, looking up at the pretty green and brown leaves.

We hadn't done much but talk, but I was okay with that. It makes a change from all of the making out and cocky remarks. He had shown me a much softer, and sweeter side of him when he's like this. I love it.

The more time I spend with him, the more I like him, too. Oh and by the way, Yes. I did like Shawn; a lot. When we first met he was a complete dick. But oh boy he has changed.

I've never really had a serious boyfriend so I'm still new to all of the relationship stuff. But if this is what relationships are like, then why didn't me and Shawn meet sooner?

I heard Shawn giggle like a child that interrupted my thoughts. When I looked up at him, he was shaking his head back and fourth still giggling.

"What's so funny?" I laughed.

"You were just starring into space," He announced, his laughter still continuing. I was? I hadn't even realised.

"Wow, that's so funny," I stated sarcastically, smiling up at him.

He rolled his eyes. "Well, If you could see it too you'd find it funny." 

He locked his eyes to mine, and moved a hand to my hair, and he began to gently run his fingers through my hair. My hair fell from my face into his lap where it was now spread out against his legs.

His Adam's apple bobbed up and down, which I found funny. Don't ask me why I found this funny. It's a strange feature, really.

A question popped into my head randomly, which I then asked Shawn. "What is it like to be a boy?"

He looked at me as if I was a lunatic and raised his brows. "That's a weird question,"

"Well, I'm sure most girls wanna ask the same question," I stated. He chuckled at me, and then replied.

"It's pretty normal I guess, what's it like to be a girl?"

"It has it's pro's and con's," I shrugged casually.

"Pro's and con's?" He wondered, looking confused. Oh, he isn't familiar with what girls have to go through. Well, if there's any guys reading this, there is a certain time of the month when girls are dragged to hell and back; also known as periods.

"You have constant worries about everything. How you look, If our hair is okay, worries about leaking, blah blah."

"Leaking?..." His face scrunched in confusion, until he then realised with his eyes wide. "Oh, that,"

He looked up with his head slightly tilted. I nodded, then chuckled. He looked so innocent. That was his thinking face, which meant he wasn't concentrated and his mind was in some place else.

It was so strange how much I knew about him already. We had only been dating for nearly two months, and I already know a lot about him. But it has also made me notice how amazing he really is once you get to know him.

"Shawn?" I spoke to get his attention. His head soon snapped back down to mine and nodded his head. His fingers continued to run through my hair, kind of giving me a head massage.

"What do you think about Emma and Sam being together?" Personally, I thought they were adorable together. They are so similar too, but I was curious to what Shawn thought about them.

"They're cute together," He paused. "But not as cute as us," He then smirked.

"Oh really?" I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Mhm," His smirk widened as he leaned his head down to mine and placed a soft kiss on my lips. The lipstick from my lips had caused our lips to stick a little, and once he pulled back he had an bright red over line of lipstick across his plump lips. I had completely forgotten about the lipstick I was wearing.

I giggle from how silly he looked, and an idea suddenly popped into my head. I smirked evilly, watching Shawn look at me worriedly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He said with widened eyes. And before he could even blink I jumped up from my position and sat on his lap facing him. I grabbed ahold of his face and began by placing my lips all over the skin on his face.

The sound of my lips making contact with his skin was clear to Shawn of what I was doing. He groaned loudly from annoyance, as I continued to transfer my lipstick onto every area of his face.

By the time I was done, I pulled away to see large, red, marks of my lips stained all over his face. He had his eyes closed and a straight face, and I held back my cackling.

"Are you done yet?" He spoke sarcastically, with a little smile.

I thought for a minute, before giving him one last peck on the lips. What lovely art work. "Now I'm done."

Laughter began to come out of my mouth, and he shook his head in disapproval. Pulling his phone from his back pocket, he used the reflection to examine his face, and his jaw swung open at the sight.

"What the hell have you done?" He shouted in a humoured tone. I continued to laugh, until his next words forced me to stop.

"Oh, you little-" He smirked, letting me know what he was about to do, causing my little legs to jump from his lap and run away from him as fast as they could carry me.


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