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Shawn's POV

The bright lights shining from the dj's stage shone into my eyes, causing me to turn my head in the opposite direction. The drink in my hand was near to empty, so I quickly downed the remaining drops of the strong vodka.

Girls were grinding upon guys on the crowd, looking near to naked with their short dresses. This party was stupid, I didn't even want to come here. Sam forced me to come since he wanted us to have some guy time without Kelsey or Emma.

Even though I came here with Sam, he was nowhere to be seen; which bothered me a lot more than it should've. Just as I was about to go look for him, a small hand grabbed onto my wrist to stop my movements.

When I turned around, a girl who I didn't recognise came into view with a sexual look on her face. She was wearing a skin tight dress which hugged her curves perfectly, and made her boobs almost pop out of the small piece of clothing.

"Hey there. What're you doing standing here all alone?" She spoke innocently, whilst batting her lashes.

"Well if you didn't see, I was just about to leave," I shot her a fake smile.

"Don't you wanna have some fun first?" She bit her lip seductively, whilst dragging her hand up my chest. Like I guessed, just another slut looking for a one-night stand.

"I have a girlfriend, so maybe just keep your HIV to yourself," I snapped bitterly, pulling away from her grip. Her mouth opened wide in shock, as I just turned away and began to shuffle through the crowd.

I found some open space near the corner of the room and sighed once I reached it. But then I just realised what I'd done. I had the chance to have sex for the first time in weeks with a super hot chick, and I turned her down? What's wrong with me?

The way I turned her down, It was so cold and heartless. But why? Was it because of Kelsey? I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't. Although this started off as a bet, I've grown so close to her in a matter of weeks.

She has made me feel so many new emotions that I've never felt before. And whenever I spend time with her, the more I want to see her. The difference between Kelsey and the other girls, is that she truly makes me happy.

And before the bet was made I used to hate all of the sloppy romance stuff, but she has made me grow to love it. The late night talks, sweet kisses, playful times like what happened in the woods; and let me tell you, the red lipstick stained. It took so long to remove, my face turned red from the scrubbing.

As cheesy as this sounds it's how I feel. And the weirdest thing is, we haven't even had sex yet. Usually Im the first to jump into bed with a girl, lately my opinions on this have changed. I've been treating girls like shit, as if they were nothing.

No girl should ever be treated like that and I'm fucked up for not noticing that sooner. I feel so ashamed for how things started with Kelsey too. The bet, how I kissed another girl behind her back.

It's crazy how much I've changed in these past weeks; all because of one girl. The last thing I want to do is hurt her, but if she ever finds out about the bet she won't ever want to speak to me again. I won't be able to live with myself knowing she hated me.

So I guess now there's only one way to put this; I'm falling for Kelsey. Yes, the Shawn Mendes is falling for a girl he was only dating for the money. That's why I need to find Sam and cancel this stupid bet, and fast.


Ooo, this is getting somewhere, haha :D
Shawn finally realised what an asshole he was...

New & edited part!

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