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I was awoken by the ray of sunlight shining in my face from the window. I squinted my eyes, trying to adjust them to the light.

The smell of newly fresh sheets hit my face as I cuddled up more into the pillows. I re-opened my eyes and looked around my room- to come to realisation that it wasn't my room at all.

The walls were a creamy white colour, with a crystal clear chandelier hanging from the ceiling. I suddenly began to feel panicked. Where am I? Have I been kidnapped?

I shot up from the bed, suddenly regretting it once my head began pounding. Shit, I hate hangovers.

I groaned rather loudly and lifted my legs out of the covers and over the side of the bed. Thank god I was still in my dress, god knows what else I could've woken up to.

"You're finally up." I heard a voice from behind me. I squeaked and shot my head in the direction of the door, another pain shooting through my head.

"Shawn? What am I doing here? Where am I?" I asked, rubbing my forehead. It didn't help my headache that I was confused to where I was.

"You're at Sam's still. You were too drunk to drive yourself home, so he let you sleep in here." Shawn answered, placing a glass of water with a tablet on the bed-side table beside me.

I looked down to the tablet with a confused look. "Oh, uh- aspirin. You know, for the hang over." He added.

"Thanks," I groaned quietly, knocking it back with some water. The cold liquid soothed my dry throat, making me feel more relieved.

There was a silence that filled the air. I looked over at Shawn to see him looking at the floor. He wasn't acting the same as he did last night, it was like he was a different person.

A thought soon popped into my head and I grew worried. "Is Emma still here?"

"Oh, no. She left early this morning. She wanted to take you with her but I said you were still sleeping and she didn't want to wake you. But I'll drive you home, don't worry." He said casually. Since when has he cared about taking me home?

His attitude made me grow confused. Why is he acting like this? He's usually throwing dirty comments and remarks every chance he has, but why the sudden change?

"Uh- thanks, again." I said awkwardly and slowly stood up, keeping a strong grip on the bed frame to keep my balance. My head felt like a hammer was being smashed over it repeatedly, causing me to groan.

"Are you okay? You look awful." He laughed. I turned to him to give him a glare. He laughed again and put up his hands in surrender.

"Come on, let's get you home." He sighed, leading me out of the big mansion.


After that awkward drive home with Shawn, we soon made it back to my house.

"Thanks for the ride." I spoke plainly and opened my door to get out.

"No problem, but I want something in return." He smirked, gesturing for me to come to his window.

Of course there was going to be a catch. "What is it?" I rolled my eyes and walked over to his car window.

"I want your number." He demanded.

"Ugh, why? So you can call me for when you need a booty call?" I snapped with an attitude.

This boy was something different and I wasn't sure if I liked it. I couldn't keep up with his different changes in personality. He was acting like a prick again which was different from his morning.

"No, I have too many of them. Maybe we can hang out sometime?" He asked. I scoffed at his reply. Those poor girls, they most likely all carry something nasty like an STD.

"Fine." I gave him a confused glance and pulled out my phone, placing it in his rather large hand. He typed in his number and texted himself from my phone.

"Thank you, sweetheart." He winked, handing me back my phone.

I groaned at the nickname. "Fuck boy." I mumbled under my breath and began to walk up to my door.

I've got a feeling that I'm going to regret giving him my number. He gives me the shivers, and not the good kind...


This chapter is boring, but I promise it will get better!😇

The Bet //S•M Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant