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Tah dah! A new chapter! Okay, please don't murder me. I know my updating is as shitty as running out of toilet paper when you need it, so I'm so sorry. I hope you like this though :)


"So Jake, how's military life going for you?" Shawn asked, looking at the muscular man scoffing down the food from his dinner plate.

Jake waited until he'd swallowed his food before replying. "It's good. Pretty tough at times, but it's good. I like it there,"

Right now we were all sat at Sam's dining room table, eating the Chinese takeaway we'd ordered. Sam and Emma sat at one side of the table, with me and Shawn on the other, and Jake sat at the corner.

Shawn sat up straight, looking stern-like to intimidate Jake. Which of course didn't work, Jake looked fearless of almost everything. As glorious and muscular as Shawn is, I don't think he has what it takes to scare Jake off.

"How long are you staying here for?" Sam asked, taking a bite of his food afterwards.

"I'm planning to stay home for a while, probably a couple of months. Why, are you trying to get rid of me so soon?" Jake smirked.

A loud scoff came from Emma's mouth, and she rolled her eyes at the boy. "It would be my pleasure to be the one to boot you out of here. Tell me when, the sooner the better,"

"Emma," Sam spoke quietly with a warning tone.

Jake's jaw clenched harshly, and anger bubbled through his now grey eyes. "What have I ever done to you? You've known me for a couple of hours, and already you hate me?" He unexpectedly spat out, every word drenched in venom.

"Why is my brother even dating you? I know he had a thing for whores, but never did I think he would swoop that low,"

He stood up dramatically, looking her up and down from where she sat at the table, and stormed out with his fists clenched to his sides. Emma had a slightly pained face by his words, but cleared her throat to cover it up. I hate to admit it, but she did kind of deserved it. She was basically asking for it.

There was a loud slam of a door that echoed around the whole house causing me to jump out of my skin in fright. Shawn noticed and gently placed his hand on my thigh, where he rubbed his rough fingertips over the fabric of my jeans comfortingly.

"You okay?" Sam asked Emma, taking hold of her hand laid on the table. She blinked a couple of times, before nodding without any reply.
"It's only because he's getting used to you, I promise. He's like that with most people," Sam sighed.

"He wasn't with Kelsey," She mumbled quietly, but loud enough for us to all hear. I gulped and avoided everyone's eyes, that were now looking directly at me. I didn't understand what was so wrong with us just talking. We didn't even do anything.

Shawn's eyes left burning holes through the side of my face and I shifted uncomfortably. I spoke quietly to clear the air. "I mean, he seemed a little off at first."

This didn't make the situation better than I'd hoped. They still stared at me in complete silence. But I didn't understand why everyone was making a big deal out of something so little.

"I should go check on him," Sam announced, before giving Emma's hand a tight squeeze and releasing it. She nodded and watched Sam disappear through the door, and up the stairs.

"I should've just kept my mouth shut," Emma groaned in frustration, and banged her head on the table, next to her plate.

"No shit Sherlock," Shawn muttered under his breathe. I glared at him and smacked his hand that was sitting on my thigh still. He winced and pulled it away, mouthing the word 'what?'

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