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I laughed at the idiotic boys who were arguing over the last pizza slice. I had grown to know how much they loved pizza, and I could relate.

"No! It's mine!" Shawn shouted, pulling the pizza box towards him childishly.

"I paid for the pizza, so it's mine!" Sam argued, and gripped onto the box and tugging it back.

"Yeah well, you're getting fat, you need to lay off the pizza!" Shawn glared at him, in attempt to claim it.

Sam gasped dramatically. "How dare you! I'm in good shape!"

"Don't get butt hurt. I'm just trying to help you," Shawn shrugged, and quickly grabbed the  piece from the box.

Before Sam could protest, Shawn shoved the pizza in his mouth in groaned in satisfaction. Sam growled at him in annoyance and rolled his eyes.

"Dick," Sam mumbled under his breath. I laughed at their stupidity, they had such a good friendship. They reminded me of me and Emma.

I began to scroll through my notifications on my phone, when I saw that I had a message, from my dad. My breath hitched, I hadn't spoken to him in months, and I had good reasons for that.

I hesitantly opened the message, and it read;
I haven't seen you in a while, please call me soon, I want to talk to you.

I looked down at my phone with a disgusted expression on my face. My dad was an alcoholic, who was a sick, twisted man who didn't deserve anything good he had.

The hatred I felt towards my father all started when I found out about his dark secret, the secret that was the cause of all my mothers bruises.

As a kid, I always believed that family was the most important thing in the world. That everything resolved around families. When in fact I was wrong.

Family wasn't that important, really. They're just the people who share your DNA, and we don't get a choice who we share it with. I grew up without a father, and had no contact with anyone only my mother. As I grew older I made my own family, Emma included.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt hands wrap around my waist, and I was pulled into a chest. I smiled at the gesture, noticing how adjusted we had gotten to each others presence.

"Hey, we're gonna go swimming. Wanna join?" He asked kindly, resting his chin on my shoulder blade.

"Uh-yeah, sure," I stuttered quietly, quickly putting my phone away in my pocket. The situation with my dad had bothered me slightly, but I wasn't going to let it ruin my day.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Shawn asked, turning me around to face him. His eyes swirled with confusion, which was something new and I was a little shocked.

"Nothing." I spoke nervously, my hands beginning to get clammy. Shit, it wasn't that obvious, surely.

"Kels, I'm not dumb, you're obviously bothered about something," He said in a softer tone.

I smiled slightly, which was fake, and replied more confidently. "It's nothing, really."

He still looked suspiciously at me, but sighed and kissed my forehead sweetly. I was thankful he didn't push it. I knew many people who would've.

"Okay, now come on, we're going swimming," He winked, changing the subject.

"That sounds great! Shame I don't have anything to wear," I said sarcastically, clicking my tongue in false shame. Honestly, swimming wasn't something I enjoyed.

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