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After hours and hours of crying and eating away my emotions, I didn't have any more tears left to cry. Emma was leaned against me and had spent the entire day with me once I told her what happened.

She couldn't believe it, she was almost in tears at one point. If she would've known, she would never of dated sam. I could tell this had effected her just as much as me, because she had broke up with Sam as soon as she found out.

Some may say it's a little over the top, but realistically he had lied to her just like shawn had with me. The fact that Sam knew and had kept it from me hurt a lot; but it hurt Emma more.

"Come on, we're going on a walk," Emma demanded suddenly, and sprung up from her seat.

I groaned. "I don't feel like walking... I just want to stay here." My legs felt numb from how long I hadn't moved.

"You've been staying here for the past week, it's not healthy," She gestured for me to get up.

Maybe a walk will help clear my head, I thought. Sighing loudly, I stood up, making sure I didn't colapse from my dead leg.

The sudden alarms of Emma's phone blurred out, in which she glanced at the caller ID, her face turning murderous within the matter of seconds.

"It's Sam, he's been calling me all day now," Her voice came out more like a growl, her negative energy hitting me in the face.

"Just answer it, maybe he will leave you alone afterwards," I suggested, and slid on my shoes that were beside my bed.

Her shoulders raised then fell back down as she breathed, accepting the call and putting the phone to her ear.

"What do you want, Sam?"

His audio was slightly muffled, yet I could hear the relief and regret in his voice. I told Emma I didn't want her to feel like she had to break up with him because of me, but it was her choice.

She made it crystal clear that the decision was hers, and that it would be for the better. Although I'm kind of glad since I have less of a chance bumping into Shawn now.

"I told you we're over, I don't care what you have to say," She dragged, her voice sounding more soft and tired.

"What you did hurt... How do I know I wasn't a bet too? I sure hope I was more to you than that. Why would you let Shawn do that to Kelsey?"

Her words were harsh but I knew she was angry, she gave me a look of sympathy to soften the blow.

After a pause, she groaned. "I should hope you don't do that to any girl... and cut it out with the constant calls, you dick. I have better things to do than talk to you."

She slammed her phone down after ending it, giving me a small yet assuring smile afterwards. "Let's go!"

"Are you okay?" I knew this wasn't appropriate to ask, but I felt better asking anyway. Sometimes it's good to ask.

She sighed and nodded gently. "A little annoyed, but I have to get over it some time."

Right now, it seemed like she didn't care she had broke up with the love of her life. How he became her everything, and it all came crashing down in the matter of minutes.

It seemed like she shrugged it off like it was dust on her sleeves; but I could see through her. I could tell she was hurting, it was eating her inside.

And I knew this not only because she was my best friend, but because it was happening to me too.

It was now the next day and I had school. It felt like I hadn't been to school in so long, but me and Shawn ditching most lessons was partly a reason why.

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