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Heyy! To anyone who read the old version of this book, please re-read! I've done quite some editing! I've also changed the cover of this book so be aware. (^old asf cover^)
Hope you like it!


"We will be going on a hike first thing tomorrow, so make sure you guys are ready by 8:30!" Mrs grey informed us, as we were sitting in the dining room of the mansion.

We had just finished our evening meals, which consisted of spaghetti and meatballs, and now Mrs. Grey was talking to us about tomorrow's events.

"You be in here for breakfast at 8:30, and we will leave at 9:00. Is that clear?" She said, her cold eyes scanning each of the students.

We all mumbled a 'yes miss', as the sound of rain caught our attention. The heavy patters of rain echoed around the mansion.

All of a sudden, a loud crack erupted the night sky, followed by lightening. I screeched and grabbed Emma's arm, who was standing next to me. If there's one thing you should know about me, it was that I hated thunderstorms.

"It looks like were gonna have a storm, kids. Stay safe tonight. You're now dismissed." Mrs. Grey mumbled grumpily.

Students began to leave the dining area and head back to their rooms. I kept my tight grip on Emma, and began to walk as quickly as possible back to our room.

"Kelsey, are you okay?" Emma whispered in my ear, noticing my fear. I nodded in reply, and squeezed my eyes shut once another bolt of lightening cracked through the sky.

I felt tears well up in my eyes, I was terrified.

We soon made it back to our rooms, which made me feel a little relieved. "Try and get some sleep, Kels. The storm will pass over soon." Emma rubbed my back comfortingly and made her way over to her bed.

I sighed shakily and got into my bed, pulling the cover right up to my face.


It was now an hour since Emma had gotten to sleep, and the thunder and lightening carried on. I've had my eyes wide open the entire time. I don't know how she could sleep through such noise.

The thunder became more violent and powerful overtime, causing me to tremble every time.

I let out a loud whimper once the lights suddenly turned off. Great, a power cut.

"E-Emma!?" I whispered, getting out of bed to walk over to her. "Emma?" I repeated when she didn't answer, and shook her shoulder lightly.

She was a very heavy sleeper, so I knew it was no use. My body shook violently from fright, and I couldn't hold it in any longer.

Tears began to roll down my cheeks, as I let fear get the best of me. Storms have been my biggest fears since I was little, and now I don't have my father to comfort me when I get scared anymore, so I always keep my cat next to me for comfort, but it's hard now since I don't have her with me.

I grabbed my torch from my bag and turned it on, and slowly walked over to our door. I needed to go out there and see if there was anyway to get the power back on.

My shaky hand turned the knob and forced the door open, and my watery eyes wondered down the dark corridor.

I stepped out of our room, silently closing the door behind me, and took a step back. A creak sound was heard from behind me as my back collided with something rock solid.

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