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Shawn's PoV

I groaned as the pounding in my head got worse, as if my brain was trying to jump out of my skull. The amount of alcohol I had was the reason why and I was beginning to regret it.

"Fuck," I hissed out painfully, glancing at my alarm clock to see the time. It was 7:30am, and I knew I had to go into school today. My mum had gotten a phone call from the school mentioning my absence, and how it was getting out of hand.

I knew I couldn't hide away forever but I felt like I needed even longer to recover. It had been a week since Kelsey ended things. It was easy to say it was one of the hardest, most painful weeks I had ever been through.

Even thinking about it now made my heart clench, like I was squeezing it not so gently. Though, I knew the truth would of hurt her.

The heartbreak in her eyes made me aware of how much I had fucked up. Dreams, or in other words nightmares, were haunting me from that night, just seeing her in that state and not being able to do anything to help.

When she ended things it made me realise that I was so in love with her. So in love in fact, she was the first and the last thing I thought about when I woke up and went to sleep at night.

Cliché, cheesy, call it whatever you want. But she was the best thing I ever had. Better than any toys I had as a child, and this realistically we weren't together for that long.

5 months was all it took for me to become a changed man. Kelsey being the main reason for that.

The thought of us not being together was the worst part. At first it was the reality of it all that hit me. Then it moved to the small, little things that meant everything to me.

The late night talks, phone calls, the way she would approve of my outfits when we went out. Little things always matter. Always.

Alongside me and Kelsey's break up came with Sam's and Emma's. I was in complete shock when Sam broke down at my front porch, telling me everything that happened.

Of course I knew Emma was Kelsey's best friend, but never did I think she would have ended things this way because of my actions.

Sam was just as heartbroken as I was, but he was much stronger than I was. He could face going back to school and seeing her again, resisting the urge to run up to her and beg to take him back. That's where we were different.

I forced myself out of bed and began to stumble into my bathroom, taking a look at myself in the mirror. I looked like a piece of shit who had gotten ran over by a train and sewn back together.

School. What a great place to go. Though, school wasn't the thing I was worried about. It was seeing the person who never wanted to look at me again that was.


Kelsey's PoV

School went by quickly today, and honestly I couldn't of been more happy about that. It was the first day back for Shawn, and I knew this because he had spoken to Emma in class to ask where I was.

She was beyond shocked that he had the nerve to talk to her, and ended up slapping him around the face. Luckily I wasn't there, but it was the talk of the school and news travels fast.

I was glad I didn't end up seeing him at all, I believed it could've been a sensitive trigger to me, and I might of broke down if I was to see him.

My phone began to buzz violently and it shook me out of my thoughts. Looking down at my phone it said 'No caller ID', and I furrowed my brows in confusion.

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