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Disclaimer: if you're a previous reader, I just want to say that I'm re-writing this book! I'm posting the chapters as I finish editing them & they will most likely be different! Hope this doesn't cause too much confusion!

I closed the door to my house with a sigh of relief, taking off my shoes. Thank god it was Friday, I could finally relax from a stressful week at school. Well, that's what I thought.

"Kelsey May! Get in here now!" My mothers voice boomed around the house. When my mum uses my full name, I usually gather that I'm in trouble.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen, preparing myself for what was to come. I was secretly hoping she wouldn't have found out about the time I sneaked out the other night with Emma to get some coffee.

"Yes, mum." I said, with a slight attitude.

"I just got off the phone with your principal. You have been marked absent in three of your classes this week." She paused, rage in her eyes. "Care to explain?" She snapped with her eyebrows raised.

I gulped in fear and cleared my throat. Shit. Of course she would find out sooner or later. Hearing this, you may be thinking; is she some sort of typical school girl who doesn't give a damn about her school work and skips class whenever she wants? And to answer that question, no. Not all the time, anyway.

It's rare I skip classes; only when I feel like it is when I skip.

"Well, you see." I chuckled nervously and continued. "I have an photography project coming up, and I needed to take some photos... so I asked my photography teacher is I could skip class to get some photos." I lied on the spot.

She narrowed her eyes at me, not looking convinced. So I added, "she told my teachers that I had classes with that I was doing a project. The principal must've not been told."

She sighed and nodded her head. "Okay. I believe you." So gullible.

"But... if I found out you have lied to me, I will not be allowing you to attend that trip next week with your school."

"Okay, mum." I fake smiled and began to walk to my room. Ugh, I had forgotten about the trip. I am supposed to be going to this place next week with my school, where we have to do stuff like hikes and rock climbing.

I'm dreading the activities, but hey, I get to stay away from school work for 3 days. And Emma was going too, so I wouldn't be alone.

I slumped down onto my bed, pulling my phone out of my pocket once I heard it buzz, signalling I had a text. It was from Emma, saying something about going to a party.

To be honest, I was never really a partying girl. Yeah, I did go occasionally but that was only to make Emma happy. She was always dragging me to parties, which I usually sneaked out of when she wasn't looking and made the excuse of saying my mum wanted me home.

The text mentioned something about being at Sam's house, which I wasn't surprised by. Sam is the rich boy that everyone has in their school. That one guy or girl who has their rich parents to but them expensive cars and the latest phones.

He seemed like an okay guy, assuming from what Emma has told me. You see, Emma has the biggest crush on him; she has for a long time.

"Honey? I'm going to work. Dinners in the fridge." My mum shouted from downstairs. I huffed and replied with an 'okay.'

My mum is usually at work, from 7pm until 9am the next morning. A long time, I know. I hardly get to spend time with her, since she is usually asleep once she gets home from work.

I heard muffled voices down the stairs, followed by the front door slamming shut. I thought nothing of it and continued to play candy crush on my phone. Maybe my mum was talking to herself.

"BOO!" A voice screamed behind me as I jumped in surprise. I saw the silhouette of frizzy hair on the wall in front of me, giving me a hint of who it was.

"Emma!? What the hell?" I yelled, placing a hand on my chest to steady my breathing.

"Oops, sorry." She giggled at my shocked state.

"How did you even get in my house? And I didn't think you were serious about this party!" I asked, and tried to continue my breathing.

"I passed your mum when she was on her way out. And of course I was serious! Now come on, we need to find you an outfit." She squealed excitedly and pulled my up from the bed.

I groaned, knowing if Emma was to choose my clothes I was look like a desperate slut afterwards. But I put up with it because I know she loves to put outfits together and dress me up, it's just a best friend thing I guess.


I finished putting on my lipgloss and smacked my lips together. My eyes scanned over my body, smiling to myself at the finished result.

I had on a red skin tight dress that reached my mid thigh, with my hair curled and my makeup slightly different than usual. I had winged eyeliner with a smoky eye, and a bright red lipgloss.

"Wow, Kels. You look amazing." Emma smirked from behind me, checking out her outfit in the mirror behind me.

"I feel it." I wiggles my eyebrows, earning a chuckle from Emma. She had good taste in clothes, but maybe a little revealing for other people's tastes.

"Lets go!" She shouted energetically and led me out of the door to my house, to her car. Although, I don't think she will be the one to drive home after tonight. She drinks like a complete animal. But we will just have to see where the night takes us.

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