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The weekend quickly passed and half term soon rolled by, and today we were at the cinema; we as in me, Shawn, Emma and Sam. Luckily, Emma and Sam only made out a couple hundred times during the movie, which was still annoying.

"Well I'm sorry, but we are definitely the cutest couple here," Emma giggled and pulled Sam closing into her side, whilst walking out of the cinema doors.

Her attitude around Sam made me feel sick. She was all gooey and giggly, it was like she was someone else.

"You sure about that?" Shawn smirked, and grabbed a hold of my face, connecting my lips with his. He caught me off guard a little, but I didn't mind.

I laughed once we pulled away at glanced at Emma. She huffed in defeat and narrowed her eyes at Shawn. But her facial expression wasn't the one that caught my attention.

Sam, stood there with some sort of guilt written across his face. He looked uncomfortable and he soon noticed my stare. Then he cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head, as if nothing just happened.

What was that all about?

"Fine! Whatever," Emma muttered rolling her eyes. She grabbed Sam's hand, and dragged him further away from us.

"How'd you find the movie?" Shawn asked once they were out of sight.

I shrugged. "It was great! Especially the constant sound of Emma giggling. It didn't bother me one bit." I raised my hands sarcastically.

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Tell me about it."

I winced whilst walking slightly, as pains shot straight through my ankle. I stopped walking, and the pain in my ankle gotten worse. I couldn't think I had done anything to it, I'm just unlucky.

"You okay?" Shawn noticed my discomfort, and stopped walking also.

"Yeah, it's just my ankle,"

"What happened?" He mumbled, worry spreading across his face.

"I'm not sure, I must've just walked on it funny," I shrugged.

"Well, hop on," he leant down in front of me, and gestured for me to get on.

I looked at him confused. "What? Im not five, i can walk."

"Shut up and get on my back," he spoke casually. A piggy back? I haven't had one of them in years. It can't be that bad. Plus my ankle was beginning to throb.

I huffed and hopped onto his back, swinging my arms and legs tightly around his body. His hands automatically held onto the back of my thighs, and once I was stable he began to walk.

His sturdy back was surprisingly comfortable. The air was a little colder as I was higher up, and I smiled in delight. I could get used to this.


We finally arrived at the restaurant, and it was my favourite; Italian. We decided to walk since it wasn't too far away.

The door was opened by Sam and we entered the restaurant, with me still on Shawn's back. We saw many people glance over at us, with a look on their faces as if they thought that we were lunatics. And suddenly a worker spotted us, his disproving eyes trained onto me.

My body filled with panic once I saw him begin to stride over to us, and I whispered in Shawn's ear. "A worker is coming over, put me down."

"Don't worry, I will sort it out," He mumbled back and tightened his grip around my thighs. His eyes directed to the man who had quickly came up to us, an annoyed look planted on his face.

"Excuse me, but we do not allow child's play in this restaurant. If you do not stop this I will have to show you the way out," His accent was a hint of Italian, and his hair was jet black and greasy.

"Child's play?" Shawn scoffed. "If you must know, this is my sister and she is disabled,"

Everyone's eyes went wide including mine at Shawn's excuse. The man, who had the name tag 'Aberto' went to speak, but was cut off by Shawn.

"Her wheelchair was stolen by a group of idiotic boys when she went to the bathroom," Shawn added. Damn, how can this boy come up with this in such a short amount of time? But i'll give him credit, by the look on Aberto's face, he had fell for it.

"Oh my, I-I did not know this, I am sorry," His brown eyes showed sympathy towards me, and I saw Emma and Sam hold back the urge to burst into laughter.

"It's fine, but I find it rude of you just to presume something like that," Shawn shook his head in disapproval, not a hint of humour on his face. I mentally smiled at his amazing acting skills, wondering how he'd learned such a thing.

"I-I understand, it was rude of me. So in apology, I would like to pay for your meals," Aberto commented, and lead us over to an empty table. I felt so bad for tricking him into this lie, but I can't help but find it funny. How could someone be so gullible?

"There is no need for that, it's okay," I smiled towards him, guilt eating me alive.

"Oh no, I insist," He returned the smile and gestured for us to sit down. "I will go and get some menu's,"

"Thank you," All four of us replied, and I waited until he had disappeared until I spoke.

"Shawn, what the hell was that?" I scolded him.

"What? It was funny," He chuckled, whilst slowly lowering me down on a chair until I felt the seat touch my backside.

"Really? I can't believe you," I glared and smacked his arm, shaking my head at the goofy boy in front of me.

"That was the funniest thing I've ever seen," Sam laughed, tears leaking the corners of his eyes.

Well, there's a first time for everything, right?


I really dislike the ending to this, but oh well.
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