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Kelsey's POV

The rhythm of Shawn's heartbeat vibrated against my face that was pressed up against his chest. We had sat underneath the tree where we had one of our first dates, which only brought back good memories.

After my father had left and my mum had gone to work, I was still in need for Shawn. So I told him everything that happened, including my fathers dark and twisted habits of what he did whilst married to my mother.

He was completely shocked; I can remember seeing his whole face drop as the words spilled from my lips. I swore to myself I would never tell a soul of what he did, but for some reason Shawn was an acceptation.

But then it all hit me. I told my boyfriend my father had abused my mother. My boyfriend. That's all I really thought of him until now. If I could tell him something as secretive at what I told him, he has to mean more than just a boyfriend that I like, right?

"You okay?" Shawn mumbled, running his hands through my hair which instantly relaxed me.

"I'm better now," I smiled, shifting my head to look up at him. He returned the smile, and gently kissed my lips.

"Good. Now, I don't know about you but I'm starving, you wanna go get some food?" He then asked, his hand moving down from the tips of my hair down the centre of my back.

"I would love to, but I have no money to my name," I sighed, realising I left everything at home when I went to Shawn's house.

"Don't be silly, babe. I will pay for you," He chuckled and began to stand up, helping me to my feet as well.

"No Shawn. You know how I feel when you buy me things. I like to feel independent." I smiled childishly.

"Come on, Kels. Just accept my offer just this once. You've had a rough day, let me treat you." He replied, taking a step forward to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

I moaned giving in. "Okay, fine."

"Good girl." He joked, placing another sweet kiss on my lips. He then patted my head, acting as if I was a pet.

"I'm not a child." I pouted as we began to take a steady walk back to the car.

"No, but you act like one sometimes." He laughed. My mouth dropped open at his insult.

"Excuse me? Care to explain?"

"Well-" He started, as I cut him off short.

"You know what? I don't even wanna know," I spoke, knowing myself most of my actions aren't particularly normal.

"Hm, whatever," He smirked and chuckled a little.


We sat down at a booth of a small retro diner around the corner of my street, which was one of my favourite places ever to go to. It was always so peaceful and the food was amazing.

I had just ordered some fries since I wasn't really in the mood for eating huge amounts, and Shawn ordered whatever he wanted.

"Thanks," He smiled at the waitress who took our orders. Once she disappeared into the kitchen he turned to me, his eyes shimmering from the sunrise which was dying down.

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