•C h a p t e r T w e n t y N i n e•

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"You're nothing but a traitor, traitor, traitor. Love is a loaded gun." ~Marina Kaye


Wow! One more chapter until we hit thirty! It's been a long ways! Thank you everyone.

C h a l l e n g i n g   T h e   A l p h a

C h a p t e r   T w e n t y   N i n e


"You're lonely." It slipped out of my mouth without permission. I look to Jay who is staring at me with a shocked expression. His expression hurts my heart slightly, it's as if someone just discovered his most precious secret. 

"No." His voice comes out shaky and doesn't convince me even for a minute. His facial expression breaks my heart. He looks so scared and afraid. 

"Yes, you're lonely. You have nobody, where are your parents or brothers?" I asked Jay with a sympathetic tone.

Jay snorts and laughs humorlessly. "My parents are six feet under and as far as I am concerned my brothers can be with them."

I am shocked at his blunt regard to his parents and brothers. It's as if he doesn't care but to me I know that isn't true, in fact it's the complete opposite. He does care which is why he puts on this facade.

"Why did you kill my father?" Crap, another sentence slipped out of my mouth. "I'm sorry you don't need to answer that." I apologize as I ring my hands together.

"No, you have a right to know. You're father was a well respected man, he had a good pack going. He was powerful, very powerful. I would even say he was one of the most powerful alpha's out there. Your father was powerful but he didn't put that power to good use. You saw your father as someone wise, someone who knew what he was doing, yes?" Jay questions with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes." I say with a nod.

"He wasn't. Your father blindly led many warriors to their death. A death that could easily have been avoided if he wasn't so blinded by power. I remember I was young when I became alpha, your father was alpha as well. He came to a council meeting and declared that we start war with the vampires; the creatures who have been close allies with us for many years. That's when the witches and vampire fuel ignited. Your father caused that, Emma." Jay explains with dark eyes. The words "Your father caused that." haunt me as it repeats itself like a broken record player. 

I grab my hair in frustration before shaking my head vigorously. "No, my father wouldn't do such thing." I argue. The sad thing is, I know it's true. My father was exactly like me, hungry for power. But instead of using that as an asset he used that as an advantage. It's no secret that I got my thirst for hunger from him, and his ended up killing him. 

"My pack among many others didn't want to participate in the war but the council laid law down that we had to. The council never said we had to be on your fathers side." Jay says with a hard tone.

"So you assembled a retaliation against him." 

"Not necessarily. It wasn't payback but it was a way of revenge." Jay says thoughtfully. "Anyways, the story is simple. Your father charged at me and I killed him, right as you aimlessly wandered out onto the battlefield. You were so careless about your actions. You were young yet already radiated power and dominance. I knew you were my mate the minute you stepped foot onto the battlefield." Jay says calmly. The calmness in his voice surprises me, it's so gentle and unfamiliar to me.

"So, you didn't have anything against my father? All the stories people told me were fake?" I ask.

"No, I had nothing against your father. Sure I envied him but not enough to bluntly kill him. The stories were made up by those who blamed me for your fathers death, although I am the one who killed him, it was never my intention." Jay explains with a deep sigh following once he finishes. 

"I see." My voice trails off as I find nothing to say. A part of me understands where Jay is coming from, in the battlefield it's kill or be killed. It's every man for themselves. I still can't ever forget the fact that he killed my father, I don't know if I will ever be able to either.

"Alana is okay, and so is Ella." Jay says breaking me away from my thoughts.

"What was wrong with Ella?" I ask curiously.

"Alana noticed Ella was heating up. It was just Ella's wolf stirring about." Jay says with a small chuckle.

Wolf? "She's just a baby! How can she feel her wolf?" I ask startled.

Most pups feel their wolves around a year, sometimes two years old. Other than that their wolves are pretty unresponsive and never move around or try to communicate with the human.

"Ella is a beta's daughter, her growth rate is rapid, therefore she's the age of an infant but her mind and size is about a one year old." Jay explains.

"I wanna see my cousin and my niece.'' I say while looking into Jay's eyes.

"As long as I can accompany you, wouldn't want you running off again." Jay says with a small smile. But I watch that smile slowly turn into a sad one. It hits me like a thousand trucks slamming into me, he is sad that I left.. 

"Of course." I say with a small giggle. 

Jay gets off the bed and helps me by offering his hand which I hesitantly take. Jay and I walk side by side at a slow speed because I still feel slightly dizzy. The walk is quite and in all honesty the silence is screaming at me to break it, but I couldn't. I keep my head down and allow the silence to drown me.

Jay stops suddenly causing me to run into his back because I wasn't paying attention. "Ouch." I cry out while rubbing my forehead. "Why did you stop?" I snap in irritation.

"It's good to know she is still the same old sass queen." A delicate voice says which causes my head to whip up.

I walk around Jay and look into the persons bright blue eyes that match mine. "Mother."


Please don't kill me! Haha! How many of you were expecting that? Also, we got a little information on Jay and his story! 

I think we need a serious Jay and Emma moment? How about you?

Also, all your ship names were amazing but many people choose Jemma, so Jemma it is! Feel free to use your ship name if this is not it! Sorry yours wasn't chosen! :(


#73 in werewolf! You guys are awesome! Thank you so much!

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