Yuri Plisetsky - Heartbreak

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked the blonde for the umpteenth time. He nodded, reaching out to grasp my hand tightly.

"I'll bring Viktor back. I promise." His emerald green eyes shone with determination. "Can you promise something else too?" I asked softly, inching forward. He answered the question silently with his eyes, and I sucked in a deep breath before I continued to speak. "Promise me that whether or not you come back with Viktor you'll not let that affect your performance for the Grand Prix."

The faintest hint of a smile tugged at his lips, as he leaned forward to give me a kiss on the forehead. My eyes widened at the intimate contact; even more so when he slipped a bracelet on my wrist. "I'll promise you one more thing. That I'll officially ask you to be my Girlfriend once I come back from Japan."

Then, he was gone.

~Time Skip~

"There's just something missing!" I groaned after Yakov yelled at me to stop for what felt like the thousandth time that day. My limbs were aching, but I refused to rest until I have met Yakov's standards. The sky was already beginning to turn dark, which shows just how much time I have spent at the rink practicing the same routine over and over again.

"Go back and have a good rest. We'll continue tomorrow." Yakov dismissed me, disappointment evident on his face. I clutched my bag closer to my chest, an ache settling in my chest. If only Yuri was here, he would know exactly what to do to cheer me up.

A beep from my phone jarred me out of my thoughts. "Are you going to watch the livestream of me competing against the pig in that stupid 'Hot Springs on Ice'?" Upon reading Yuri's message, I realised that today was the day which would decide if Viktor returns to Russia. Cursing silently, I shoved my phone into my bag and rushed back as fast as possible.

~Time Skip (Yuri Returns)~

I grabbed the jacket from my chair, folding it neatly and placing it into my bag before hurrying to the rink. I had finally managed to save and earn enough money to get the jacket that Yuri had always wanted. It wasn't a grand welcome home present, but at least it was something.

When he entered the rink, the smile on my face disappeared as he barely acknowledged my presence. At least he was keeping his promise on the determination to win part. I kept waiting, even until everyone had left the rink and it was only him on the ice, but he clearly didn't intend to keep his other promise.

I was about to leave the jacket on the bench and leave when I spotted the exact same one in his bag. Curious, I approached the blonde apprehensively. "Where'd you get the jacket you've always wanted?" I asked softly, trying not to let the disappointment get to me too much. "I met this girl in Japan and she was really kind and got me the jacket. It was much cheaper there too! We're kind of dating now." His voice softened as he got to the end of his sentence, a slight flush on his face.

I felt as if all the air was sucked out of my lungs,and tears immediately pricked my eyes. I stood there, staring at him dumbly for half a minute before slipping the bracelet off my wrist. "Then I guess you'll need this. Don't make any empty promises to her, okay?" I passed him the bracelet and skated off, holding in the tears.

The next day, I arrived at the rink early to practice. My theme was 'Heartbreak', which seemed fitting to me right now. With my heart shattered into smithereens, I was sure that whatever was missing before must be present now. Just as I was about to put on my skates, someone exited the rink and walked over towards me.

I looked up to meet a pair of emerald green eyes, the very same eyes that I loved and detested so much. Unable to meet his gaze, I lowered my eyes and continued to put on my skates in silence. "Wait, Y/N..." He called out as I brushed past him. "What do you want?" My voice was icy cold, masking the whirlwind of emotions in my chest. "Can I help you?" I pressed when he only remained silent. Looking at his hands, I noticed that he was holding the bracelet tightly in his hands.

My chest constricted, and I swallowed, trying to keep my emotions under wraps. He couldn't know how much this was killing me on the inside. If he remained ignorant, he would be able to be happy with her. "If there's nothing, I have to practice now." Turning around, I placed the disk into the player and hit the play button. Closing my eyes, I started to skate.

Like most of the pieces I used for my routines, this one told a story too. It spoke of an innocent child who fell in love with someone she shouldn't have. They were seemingly perfect together, but unfortunately it was only a one sided love. The boy toyed with her feelings, before tossing her aside and moving on to the next girl. This girl, however, managed to tame his wild heart and they fell madly in love. As for the heartbroken girl, she eventually took her life. As I danced to the piece, tears fell from my eyes. I knew right from the start when I chose this piece that the most difficult thing to achieve would be to capture the raw essence of heartbreak.

At that moment I was still high up in the clouds, believing that Yuri would be mine once he returned from Japan. I never once thought that he would have fallen out of love so quickly, and replace me in a blink of an eye. Right now, heartbreak was the only thing that I felt. Unknown to me, Yakov had entered the rink and was watching my together with Yuri by the side of the rink. When I ended, claps came from the exit. "That's was beautiful, Y/N. Perhaps you can teach Yuri how to get emotionally involved in a song. He needs to understand Agape, just like how you understood heartbreak." Yakov suggested.

Afterwards, I was forced to watch Yuri skate. This time, however, was very different from the time I saw him skate in Japan. When he ended, he looked at me to see my response. Without a word, I walked out of the rink, tears falling freely from my eyes once more. Whatever was missing then, was certainly present now.

Looks like Yuri found his Agape, and I found my heartbreak.

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