Viktor Nikiforov - Bring Me Back To Life (AU)

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"I'm broken and I'm barely breathing
I'm falling 'cause my heart stopped beating."

!Trigger warning!

"I can't do this anymore." She breathed out, tears blurring her vision. "Why am I so weak?" She continued, her voice growing softer as she spoke. The tall figure leaning against the wall finally moved, wrapping his strong arms around her in an attempt to soothe her.

 "You're still too young, you can't be a guardian yet." He warned, his silvery grey hair flashing in the moonlight. She ignored him, staring into space. "But I can't do this anymore." Her voice broke, and the tears spilled over. 

Viktor let out a soft sigh, pulling away and bending down slightly to meet her eye level. "Are you sure, Y/N? Once you do this you can't go back. You'll be stuck in this body - this age - for eternity. You're still 14, you can't throw your future away." 

He tried to persuade the mortal, but she was paying no attention to the words he spoke. Her only intention was to get away from the world, the cruel world, which had never granted her happiness. 

Viktor was her only source of that, her ray of sunshine in the darkness. He was always there, but somehow, she knew. She knew her brain had managed to trick herself into thinking that she had someone by her side. She didn't. Viktor was a hallucination, and she knew that. She knew that once she jumped, there was no going back. No painless death, before rising from the dead to 'join the guardians'. Her brain was just making use of the childish movie and convince her that she was not alone. 

"I can. I never had a future anyway." Vikor winced when she said those words. He knew she had a future. A bright one at that. She was going to be a wonderful leader, she would get a scholarship, she would get into her dream university overseas through that... She was going to accomplish a lot of wonderful things. 

He just didn't know how to convey those little gimpses of future to her, for she was dead set in believing that he was nothing more than a hallucination, when in reality, he was so much more than that. 

"You do..." He started out, but she cut him off, this time with a bitter smile on her face. She shook her head slightly and slid out her phone, checking it one last time. No missed calls. No messages. Her smile merely grew, and she dropped the phone, not even flinching when the phone came into contact with the floor. He picked up the phone and ran his fingers over the shattered surface, hoping and praying that someone, anyone, would just give her their attention, just for these few seconds, so she wouldn't proceed. 

The screen remained blank as she approached the railings of the rooftop. He followed behind her anxiously, as the clouds moved apart to reveal the round moon. She gripped the railings and swung her body around slowly, being careful not the injure herself. When she stood up straight again, Viktor could clearly see that she was trembling in the cold, harsh wind. She was not ready, not yet. 

He bit his lip hard enough for the metallic taste of blood to fill his mouth when she took a step forward, then another one. The purplish night sky was slowly starting to turn pink, and the moon was slowly growing less and less visible. She turned back to look at Viktor, almost as if she was asking for his permission. Viktor tilted his head to her phone and the corners of his lips turned down, indicating the blank screen that still remained. 

She turned back to face the slowing awakening city and laughed, spreading her arms out wide. She felt so free, like a bird. And pretty soon, she would be free. Her hair was escaping from her ponytail so she pulled the elastic out, flinging it down and watching as it plummet towards the hard cement. She would be next, soon. 

"Would anyone miss me?" She asked softly. 

"They would." Viktor replied, sneaking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. "Don't go." He whispered. 

"No, they won't. They hate me. They leave me hanging. Their promises, Viktor. They promised! That they won't leve me alone! But they DID!" By this time, her voice had rose to a shout, ricocheting off the buildings and coming back to her as an echo. 

"No one will miss me, Viktor. Trust me. I'm just a burden to them, a burden they'll be glad to be relieved of."  Viktor breathed out slowly, squeezing her body gently before stepping back. 

He closed his eyes, not wanting to see the next scene. "Then go." He tried to steady his voice, but it wavered anyway. "I'm not weak anymore, Viktor. I will no longer cry because of their insensitive remarks and comments." She announced. "I'll be strong this time. This one, last time." She didn't even bother looking back before flinging herself off the ledge, a sweet smile on her face, contradicting the tear tracks that were still visible from before. 

Her hair flowed behind her like a cape, as she let out a small whoop. She was soaring through the sky, to meet death. She would be free, soon. 

In three, 



Just then, she was yanked back, a few metres from the ground. "I couldn't let you die." Viktor muttered, his brows furrowed. "I'm sorry." He turned her around so they were facing each other, suspended in midair. "H-How are you doing this? Holding me up? You're just a hallucination!" Her eyes were wide, confused. The smile was gone. 

"Let me go!" 

"NO!" He yelled, surprising both of them. Viktor never lost his temper. Never. He shoved the phone in her face, showing her the one message that lit up the cracked screen. "She texted back?" Her voice was small, filled with hope. He drew in a ragged breath, nodding his head. "She did." He confirmed, swallowing the lump in his throat. 

"Bring me up." Her command was gentler this time, a small smile now present on her face. Viktor  let go immediately, slinking back into the shadows as she started to type a reply. "She's so happy..." He said to himself, disappointment lacing his words. "I guess that means it's time." 

Y/N spun around, walking towards Viktor. "Thank you... I shouldn't have..." She trailed off, noting how uncomfortable Viktor looked. "Viktor... are you okay?" She stepped closer and tried to grab his hand, but hers passed through his like he was a hologram. 

"Y-You were just holding me minutes ago! What's happening? Why can't I touch you anymore?" She panicked, swiping at Viktor. He looked unusally pale, with beads of sweat dotting his forehead. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I forgot to tell you..." His image flickered slightly. 

"I'm a real guardian, Y/N. Believe it or not. And..." He paused, waiting for her to make eye contact with him. 

"I love you, Y/N."


Now, I won't mind making a part two to THIS. HI Lovelies, how are you guys? Good, I hope :) Sorry for the inactivity I have a huge concert on 6 August, and I just had a camp today so I'm really tired. I tried to make this make as much sense as it did in my head, but to clear things up Viktor WASN'T a hallucination, he was a real Guardian but at the end because it was obvious he was no longer needed, he was being pulled back by the moon. 

Sad, I know. I hope it's not relatable to anyone ... 

Thanks for reading~





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