Anyone There? - A/N

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Hi, it's been a long time since I updated. My exams are going to over in two weeks. I'll like to know who's still there, AND willing to wait. *smiles tiredly* provided I haven't killed myself by then, you can expect a one shot on 13-14 May, depending on where you live.

I haven't been feeling good lately, so I can't promise anything. I'm trying to be strong, for my friend irl, she needs me (?) I guess, even if she's just making use of me, I still want to be there for her. As for internet friends... it's complicated.

I've also been getting headaches and my chest hurts more and more often, so I don't know what's happening to my body.

I'm just so tired now. If I could sleep forever, I would. I would take the selfish road. But I can't.

So let's see how I'm coping two weeks later, shall we? Back to the main topic: who's going to be here?

If no one is, I... I don't know. I haven't been feeling positive vibes about the Yuri on Ice community lately. It's affecting my writing as well. So if anyone if willing to stay, for my writing... please comment. Please, please, just, for the sake of my sanity, comment something related to this.

I hope at least one person wants to stay.

Thanks for reading~


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