Yuri Plisetsky - Lies

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"I'll love you forever."



3rd Person POV

Yuri sighed, taking off his sunglasses and peering at his surroundings. He knew he shouldn't have wandered off on his own, especially in such a crowded place like this, but how could he stand walking next to Viktor and yuuri, who were so immersed in each other that they completely forget everyone around them? His lips twisted down in disgust when the mental image of them popped up, quickly squishing that thought down and trying to find a way to the exit.

He craned his neck, trying to trace his steps back with his eyes, but the neat rows of stalls blended into one long blur. "I give up, I'm just going to- hey! Don't you have eyes?" He snapped when someone bumped into his shoulder. The girl turned to him, bowing down immediately. "I'm sorry!" She said apologetically, remaining in that position for a while before straightening. She gave him a smile, looking around worriedly after a few seconds. "Are you lost too?" He asked. She tore her gaze away from the sea of people, nodding in his direction.

"This place is so huge, and so foreign, I can't find (BF/N) at all! I should never have agreed to come to some event I'm not even interested in..." She groaned, burying her head in her palms. Yuri chuckled a little at his actions, finding it amusing. "Well, I'm lost too. Perhaps we can find an exit together?" She peeked through the gaps in her fingers at him, her eyes wide in surprise. "Really? You'll help me find an exit?" She questioned incredulously. He shrugged. "Two heads are better than one, right?"

~Time Skip~

"Finally!" Y/N gasped out when they found the exit, pushing the glass doors open and breathing in the fresh air. She grinned at Yuri, who still had his fingers intertwined with hers. "Thank you so much!" Yuri felt his feature soften under her gaze, a smile tugging at his own lips. "No problem. I'll... see you?" He paused, not knowing why he ached to lay his eyes upon the H/C beauty again. She agreed, and they exchanged contact, promising to meet up soon.

When she turned to leave, Yuri yanked her back, leaning in to Whisper in her ear.

"You're really beautiful."

Then, he was gone.

"You're really beautiful."


Yuri smiled as he stared at his phone. Y/N turned out to be a totally different person online, unlike the shy and polite girl he had met at the convention. He could feel a faint blush on his cheeks while he read the messages. She was bolder, and damn, was she good at expressing her feelings into words online. He was glad he decided to ask for her number. They were going to meet up at the mall the next day, and he could hardly wait, though he had no idea what to wear.

"I thought this was a girl problem!" He cried out, spitting the last two words out vehemently. "I have absolutely nothing to wear..." He whined, staring at the contents of his wardrobe. He scanned the hoodies and shirts one more time, already dismissing a few items. He was about to give up when he froze. "Why am I bothering so much about my outfit? It's not like it's a... d-date or something!" He murmured to himself.

"But... I really want to impress her. She means a lot to me." He blinked, not processing the words that came out of his mouth. 'What did I just say?!' he thought, flinging himself towards the bed and burying his head beneath the sheets in embarrassment.

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