Yuri Plisetsky - Do Svidaniya (REQUEST)

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Requested by @RosemaryWarden

{A/N} Sorry I haven't been writing much ^^" my parents are being annoying.

IT'S ALSO MY BIRTHDAY SO WOO WHO TO THAT. Well, my birthday was yesterday but I can't be bothered to retype the whole sentence. (Hi I'm extremely lazy) Or, depending on where you live, it is my birthday (27th of March).

Oh, and my town is caught in the tail of a cyclone (or, also depending on where you are, a hurricane or typhoon). Cyclone Debbie, if you're interested. If you've heard of Cyclone Yasi, this cyclone is almost as bad as that one.

Oh, and tHIS PIECE OF SHIT WON'T LET ME UPDATE THE TITLE it's called Do Svidaniya.


Your hands griped the reins tighter, sweat dripping from your brow.

Last one. Come on. Come on.

"Come on!" you yelled, repeating your thoughts as your horse soared over the last jump, kicking sand up as he landed.

Screaming and cheers arose from the crowd. As young as you were, people already knew who the victor was.


{one year later}

"Where's my brother!" you yelled as you stomped into the skating rink.

Y/n Nikiforov. Olympic gold medalist and younger sister of Viktor Nikiforov.

Winning ran in the family, it seemed.

"He's gone to Japan, haven't you heard?" Mila answered, placing a hand on her hip.

"Yes, but why?" you seethed.

"Yuuri Katsuki," Yakov answered angrily. "He saw a video of Katsuki skate and was apparently inspired to coach him. Like Vitya has enough experience to become a coach."

"I'm calling him."

"We've tried that, he won't budge."

"I'm still calling him." You went and sat on one of the bleachers and fished your phone out of your pocket. He answered almost immediately. "Hello?" His accent was quite thick.

"Hi, Viktor," you breathed into the phone. "Where in Pete's brain are you?"

"That's a new one! Hi y/n. I'm in Japan! You should come visit sometime, the hot springs are amazing."

"You sound like a girl talking about nails!"

"I'm only telling the truth!" Viktor answered happily.

"Get your ass back to Russia. I have a cross country coming up and you promised you wouldn't miss it!"

"I... did?"

"And he forgot, you're annoying."

"Perhaps so. Oh, I have to go, bye~"

He hung up.

Damn him.

"That asshole forgot about his promise to me!" Yuri Plisetsky screamed from the other side of the room, slamming his phone against a wall.

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