Viktor Nikiforov - Crunching Snow

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{A/N} Angst (mixed with fluffy shit) because I'm pissed and annoyed and dead and sad and everything else in between (school's a bastard, huh?). Oh, and I apologise ^^" I was going to do a Yuratchka one shot, but I had an idea for a Viktor one.

So, as most of you know, Viktor had at least one lover before Yuri, so Imma just slip you into that slot.

Ever wondered why Viktor hates the nickname 'Vik'? Or, you know, 'Vic', depending on how you spell his name.

HOLY FUCK-- I mean, duck, I haven't updated on this account in ages ;-;.


Your hair whipped around your face in the icy winter wind, the type of wind that you could never be warm in: it always seemed to slice through your clothes. Taking a shaking breath, you continued walking down the street, gloved hands shoved deeply into your coat pockets for extra warmth. Your shoes crunched on the snow beneath your feet, the gritting mingling with the sound of cars racing down the road beside you.

Sighing through your nose, you tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear, having to pull your hand out of your pocket first, of course.

Your breath formed in front of your face before wisping away, disappearing into the afternoon as if it was only there to say 'hi', saying 'hello' back would replace that cloud with a different one, and the cycle continues, and that cycle only ended when Spring came.

But that time seemed so distant.

Finally finding the driveway to your lover's house you smiled, half jogging in excitement down the short concrete path, snow dusting its already pale surface.

Cheeks, nose and ears red, you knocked on the door.

"Vitya~" you called, rocking back and forth on your heels, waiting in anticipation. The door open, warmth blowing on your face as Viktor Nikiforov stood in the doorway of the house, a smile now spread across his face.

"Y/n," Viktor's eyes sparkled as he greeted you, arms spreading, inviting you to him. You took the offer, throwing your arms around Viktor's neck, his platinum hair tickling your nose as you went to kiss him. He leant forward and met your lips with his, lighting a small fire in the pit of your stomach. The warmth of the kiss seemed to melt the snow around you, but that was only a figment of your imagination, and his, it seemed.

Pulling back slightly you gasped for air, giggling a little before cupping Viktor's face, whispering, "I missed you, Vik..."

His arms were around your waist, his smile bright and azure eyes still sparkling with happiness.

Everything about that moment was special, and you wanted to stay with it for a lifetime.

You were like Viktor's anchor in an endless sea of happiness, and he wouldn't trade you for anything.

Viktor whisked you inside, an arm still around your waist. He pulled you down onto the couch in his living room and plopped down next to you. Words were not needed in a moment like this, just touch.

Until you actually needed to take your coat off because it was damp with the melting snow.

"Hey, I need to take off my coat," you laughed, Viktor nuzzling into your neck, breathing in your scent. Or, you know, your perfume... "H-hey! Vik! That tickles-- haha!" Viktor pushed you down, kissing and nipping your neck whilst you gasped for air, shaking laughs racking from your body as he straddled your hips. "S-stop!" Tears were now running down your cheeks, your face red, laughs still wrestling from your body. Viktor slanted his mouth across your skin and nipped a small spot, triggering a small moan.

"What was that?" Viktor murmured against your neck, seizing his torture. Your body shuddered beneath him. Only once.

"N-nothing...," you whispered, face flushing a darker shade of red.

"Didn't sound like nothing."

You growled and pushed him off of you playfully. "I need food... make the fridge appear in front of me."

"Abracadabra," he said, twisting his fingers in weird ways as he smiled lovingly at you.

Your smile faded and you held your stomach as pain shot through it. "O-on second thought..."

You didn't finish before bile burned in your throat and you had to hold your mouth to keep the puke down.

"Y-Y/N?" Viktor asked, shimmying closer to you.

You swallowed and looked at him. "C-can you get me a bowl or something and take me home, please?" you asked, voice muffled by your hands.

"Yes," Viktor said, quickly running into the kitchen and emerging seconds later with a large plastic bowl. With shaking hands you took it and he lead you towards his car.

{A/N} I know it's short, but I'll have a few other chapters.

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