Viktor Nikiforov - Broken

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"Don't try to fix what's broken - you'll just end up hurting yourself."

!Trigger warning!

3rd person POV

Y/N sighed as she checked her phone for the hundredth time. Nothing. The screen remained blank. No messages, no missed calls - nothing. She shook her head slightly as a bitter smile tugged at her lips. What was I expecting? They were right. I'm invisible; non-existent. I mean nothing to anyone on the earth. After all, who would want to be close to a monster like me? Her grip on the device tightened as a lump formed in her throat.

"The truth is cruel, it really is." She murmured when her gaze involuntarily drifted to the screen again. Still nothing. She left out a long breath as she stared at the setting sun, it's rays dyeing the sky a beautiful myriad of pink, orange and yellow. "Perhaps today is the day." She continued, as her footsteps slowed. There was no one at home, after all. All her parents cared about was work.

She was just a mistake - they had never failed to remind her that every time they met. Without knowing, she had stopped in her tracks and was staring blankly into space, consumed in her thoughts. She was only jarred out of it when someone bumped into her shoulder. "I'm sorry!" She immediately said, bowing down to the person in front of her. "It's fine. Are you alright?" The stranger asked, concerned. She straightened, tilting her head to the side in confusion.

"Why would you ask that?" She questioned. Her breath hitched when she made eye contact with  the stranger - a very handsome man. He shrugged, not seeming too fazed when he caught her staring at him with a slight blush. "You just looked really out of it." He replied. She turned away when she heard that, her previous thoughts flashing across her mind. "B-But we don't even know each other!" She protested.

"Well, I like to meet new people. I'm Viktor Nikiforov. You?" Y/N remained silent for a moment, debating whether or not to introduce herself. After all, if she continued with her original plan, she wouldn't even be there the next day. She glanced back at him; at his sincere sapphire blue eyes, and seemed to come to a conclusion.

"I'm Y/N L/N."

~Time Skip~

Y/N smiled a little when her screen lit up, signalling a message. She had exchanged contacts with Viktor, though her excitement dimmed when she knew that he was only in her country for a competition. (Please live in somewhere else except Russia for this oneshot). The time difference wasn't that great, but she hated it when he had to leave. She had nobody else to talk to, or even if she did, no one made her feel the way she felt when she was conversing with him.

He made her feel special, stirring up a sweet feeling in her chest. Was this love? Oh you foolish girl... what have you done? She ignored the voices for once, concentrating on her screen, a lopsided grin plastered on her face. She hugged a pillow to her chest while waiting for him to reply. How long was it since she's felt this blissful? She couldn't remember.

You're going to regret it, you naive child. You'll be replaced sooner or later, just you wait and see. She shut her eyes tight, trying to shut them out. Growing impatient, she glared at the blank screen, wondering what was taking him so long to respond. Minutes ticked by, slowly melting into hours. The grin slipped off her face when it finally registered into her brain that he wasn't going to respond - at least not that day. Why don't you just...

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