Yuri Plisetsky - Priorities

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"Why do I do this, do this,
Always be foolish, foolish"
[No Champagne - Frankmusik ft. Natalia Kills]


I stood in the rain, relishing the feeling of the raindrops pelting down on my head. I didn't mind it if I fell sick, in fact, I looked forward to it. All of a sudden, I felt something shielding me from the rain. Surprised, I turned around and saw him. My crush ever since I joined ice skating. Yuri Plisetsky. I looked up to find a huge umbrella sheltering both me and him, even though he kept his distance from me.

"You should go back in..N-Not that I was concerned about you health or anything..." He muttered, turning away. I lowered my head, grabbing the umbrella from him and we both headed back into the ice skating rink in silence. Not uttering a word, he disappeared into the boys changing room, leaving me alone in the empty rink. Sighing, I glanced around to find anything to dry myself when he appeared, handing me a set of clothes and a towel.

"Mila told me to give it to you!" He quickly said when I gave him a grateful smile. I kept the smile frozen on my face, even when my heart was crushed. Of course he didn't care. Why would he? I changed quickly and walked out of the room, shocked when I found him sitting on the benches, seemingly waiting for me. "I guess I can walk you home, since you don't have an umbrella. I-I don't know why you were standing in the rain b-but you shouldn't... Mila told me to tell you that." He said. I nodded mutely, bowing a little to express my thanks.

"I'm sorry I'm such a bother." I whispered softly while we were walking in the rain. He remained quiet, so I thought that he didn't hear me. Not wanting to raise my voice, I just pretended I didn't say anything. When we reached my house, I stood by my doorstep, giving him a fake smile. "Thank you, Yuri-kun." I turned to head into the house when he reached forward to yank my arm back, causing me to stumble slightly and right into his arms.

He dropped the umbrella, his face red. "Y-Y/N... You aren't a bother..." He stuttered, avoiding all eye contact with me. My eyes widened slightly when I heard his words, tears rushing to my eyes. "Why would you say that? Didn't Mila ask you to do everything? How can you not find me a b-bother?" My voice broke a little bit at the end, giving away that I was crying. He looked at me, flustered.

"No! I-I did everything of my own accord! M-Mila didn't ask me to do anything! Please don't cry!" He begged, using his thumb to wipe my tears away. I couldn't help but smile through the tears, wrapping my arms around Yuri. "I'm not crying tears of sadness, Yuri-Kun... just that I never expected anyone to care for me this much." I mumbled, trying my best to stop the flow of tears. He stared at me for a moment, as if he was contemplating something.

"Baka... don't say that." He replied, before realising that it was too harsh. "I'll always put you first Y/N-Chan..." His voice softened, and he leaned forward to plant a kiss on my forehead. "Because I love you too." He pulled away, grabbed his umbrella off the ground and walked away in the rain, leaving me standing on my doorstep, staring after him.

~Time Skip~

I swallowed, trying to keep my tears at Bay. I will always put you first, huh? Guess that promise didn't last. I surveyed the empty room, my heart shattering when I saw the photo of us still sitting on the bedside table. Deciding to do him a favour, I slid a picture of him and R/G (or Otabek, if you want) into the photo frame, taking out ours. I ripped the picture in shreds, placing the pile beside the photo frame.

I can't just leave like that... he's so dense, he might not even realise his actions are slowly killing me. Grabbing a pen, I sat down on the bed and wrote my last letter to him.

Dear Yuri-San,

I'll never forget that day when you said that you'll always put me first. But I Guess it's hard to maintain your priorities. I don't blame you for this, though. I wish you all the best in your skating career and in your relationship. And... I'm sorry for being such a bother to you for a year.



My words became a little smudged as tears fell from my eyes and onto the paper, even though I tried to stop them. Muffling my sobs, I left the paper there and left the house quietly. I'll always love you, Yuri-Kun...

3rd Person POV

"Y/N, I'm home!" Yuri called out when he pushed the door open. Usually she would be running towards him once she heard the door creak open, no matter what she was doing. Today, he was greeted with silence. "Y/N? Are you here?" After standing there for a minute, he still heard nothing.

"Y/N?" He asked, walking towards her room quickly. Opening the door, his eyes widened in horror. Everything was gone, except for the photo frame. His heart broke when he saw the ripped pile and the new picture, tears welling up in his eyes. "N-No... S-She..." he flipped the room upside down, searching for anything of hers that she forgot.


She left nothing. Clutching the note tightly in his hand, he clenched his fists, trying hard not to break down. How could he have forgotten? After everything that he had done to gain her trust, he broke the bond between them with one stupid mistake. He didn't mean to replace and neglect her because of skating and R/G (Or Otabek)...

Laying down onto the bed, he breathed in her smell on the sheets. Tears streamed down his face silently, a scream building up in his throat.

"Y/N... Come back..."

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