I think its time for me to move on

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Hey lovelies, ever since what, June? I've stopped writing. I still have a passion for yuri on ice, i'm really exited for season 2 next year, but I have to admit I've grown tired of writing about the characters in the anime. I've also got into a lot of new fandoms and I think music, which was always a huge part of my life, is threatening to push the anime part away. It was always hard to be the only person crossing borders between fandoms and write about both English pop and anime, but I never minded. Now it's harder, now that I've found my precious 7 angels, I can't seem to find the time for writing about Viktor, Yuri and Yurio.

 Not to mention, I've founded some unpleasant memories with this fandom. It brought me happiness, laughter and tears. But other than that, it also helped me get inspiration and start writing and discovering the awesome Wattpad community in the same fandom. However, the hype for Yuri on Ice is dying and I feel like many people had moved on, so I feel like it's time for me to do so too. Yuri on Ice connected me to many different types of people, who both gave me love and destroyed the hope that I had for what I had in mind of 'love'. Many of this would probably figure it out by 'one last lie', the poem I wrote when I was at my most broken state. I thought nothing could be worse than that, but I foolishly let myself be played again. It hurts. And both of them were in the same fandom - Yuri on Ice.

I have to be really selfish and I want to pull away from the community - at least on this aspect - completely. I'm really sorry, but I'll probably not publish any more one shots except the one request I recently got.

I won't be leaving Wattpad because I'll be writing about Royal Servant and trying out some roleplays, as well as BTS! This will be a huge part of my writing. I'm also working on a one shots compilation so if you guys want to request Yuri on ice I will consider it. I'm sorry for this change, but I Guess change is the only thing that doesn't change.

I'm Glad you guys enjoyed the stories and one shots. And if you read till the end, I really appreciate it! For the last time, (second last time),
Thanks for reading.

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