Viktor Nikiforov - Happy Birthday (Christmas Special #4)

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This will conclude my Christmas Special one shots! I hope you guys enjoyed them! If you missed any you can just check them out up there.

Thanks for reading in advance~

3rd Person POV

Viktor shoved his gloved hands into his pockets, quickening his footsteps. He glanced around, making sure that there were no reporters chasing after him, before pushing the glass doors to the ice rink open. He walked over to the rink, leaning against the wall as he observed the person on the ice. Finally, she opened her eyes and spotted him, stopping abruptly in the middle of her routine. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know someone else was here." She stuttered nervously, already starting to glide towards the exit.

"It's alright, you may continue. But that routine looks like it's for a pair, isn't it?" He asked. She paused, licking her lips nervously. "Yeah, it is. We used to pair skate for fun." She mumbled, looking down. "We?" He questioned. "Yuri and I, we used to come here and pair skate for fun. We stopped after he continued to pursue his career as a figure skater though." Her voice was filled with longing.

"Why didn't you do the same?" She sighed and shook her head, gesturing towards the benches. "Even when I practice, I choose the time where there'll be no one here. I'm afraid of performing in front of so many people. Besides, it's not like I'm as good as Yuri. I'm not good enough to do so." He could see the uncertainty in her eyes, knowing that she was questioning if she should have revealed that. "Well, can I join you, then?" Her head jerked up, her eyes widened in surprise as she stared at him. The Viktor Nikiforov wanted to join her on the ice?

"I-I don't think that is necessary, I'm j-just going to leave n-now..." She started to move again, only to freeze when Viktor rushed to the exit, blocking her way out. Sweat rolled down her face, as she tried to find a way out of this. He kept his gaze on her as he placed on his own ice skates, leaving her helpless and stuck on the ice. "Come on." He smiled at her, grabbing her hands. She gulped at the intimacy, her cheeks a bright red.

That was the first time Y/N L/N met Viktor Nikiforov, and they shared their first dance on the ice.

Eventually, Viktor's little visits to the ice rink while Yuri was resting became more and more frequent, until Yuri himself decided to ask Viktor about it. "Viktor! Where're you going?" He asked when he heard his footsteps on the floorboards. "Out?" The Russian replied, knowing that Y/N wouldn't like Yuri finding out that she had replaced Yuri with him. "To the beach? Can I come with?" Viktor panicked, his grip on his phone tightening. "I-I think you should get some more rest..." He stammered, at a loss for words.

Yuri narrowed his eyes, surveying Viktor. "You've been going to the ice rink without me haven't you? Why?" He demanded, anger clear in his reddish brown eyes. "I-I've been skating with Y/N!" Viktor finally confessed. "Y/N...? She's still skating?" The anger drained out of Yuri's eyes, and a small smile started to form on his face. "I'm definitely coming with! I missed her!" Yuri exclaimed, grabbing Viktor's hand and rushing out of the house.

"Viktor! There you are, you're slightly la-" Y/N looked up from her skates, stopping mid-sentence when she caught sight of Yuri. "Yuri...!" Yuri ran over to her without a word, hugging her tightly. "Why didn't you contact me after I came back? I missed you." He mumbled. "I missed you too!" She returned his hug with as much ferocity, tears in her eyes. Viktor smiled, slipping out through the doors silently, deciding to leave them alone for that day.

"So, I heard Viktor's birthday is coming soon!" She said after they pulled away. "Yeah, it's on Christmas, 25th December!" Yuri informed her. "You're thinking of something already, right? I saw the way you looked at him just now, you're in love, aren't you?" He teased, nudging her shoulder playfully. "No! I mean, yes! Wait, no! Yuri!" She yelled in frustration, burying her blushing face into her hands.

"Hm~ The ship is sailing, Y/N!" "Yuri, shut up!!"

-Time Skip to Viktor's Birthday-

"Good luck!" Yuri whispered, before setting off to fetch Viktor from his place. Y/N placed her hand on her chest in an attempt to calm down her racing heart, nervous as to why Viktor would make do of what she was about to do. She couldn't think of any better birthday present, so she decided to choreograph a routine to a song that she composed herself. Her phone lit up, indicating that Yuri and Viktor were reaching soon. Stepping onto the ice, she got into position. Closing her eyes, she listened out for the sound of the glass doors behind pushed open.

"Y/N?" Viktor asked once Yuri pushed him into the pitch black ice rink. "Yuri?" He turned around, shocked to find that Yuri had disappeared. Just then, he heard the sound of blades on the ice, before the music started playing. A beam of light was now focused on the figure on the ice, his lips parting slightly when he realised that it was Y/N. He couldn't tear his eyes away from her, twirling and gliding on the ice, perfectly in sync with the music.

When the piece ended, she turned to look at Viktor, panting slightly. "Y/N!" He cried,  standing by the exit, his arms wide open. "Viktor, did you like that? I did great, right?" She asked, skating towards him. Her smile started to drop when Viktor just stared at her, expressionless. "Vi-" before his name could leave her lips, he leaned forward slightly, pressing his lips to hers.

Caught off guard, she toppled backwards, pulling Viktor down with her. "Happy Birthday, Viktor." She murmured after they pulled away, a silly grin plastered on her face. "That was the best birthday present ever." He buried his face into the crook of her neck, his heart nearly bursting in happiness.

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Viktor."

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