Yuri Plisetsky - Stay

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A/N: Happy birthday Yuri <3 To celebrate this salty Russian's birthday, why not type a throwback? This is situated when he arrives in Japan to compete with Yuuri for Viktor. Thanks for reading in advance~ (Thanks for 20K btw!!)

Yuri let out a breath after Viktor left the rink, leaving him to practice alone. It hasn't even been two days and he was already tired out; his feet covered in bruises and cuts from pushing himself too much. Agape, unconditional love... The sound of the glass doors being pushed open jarred him from the thoughts. Furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, he exited the rink and placed the rubber guard on his blades, walking towards the entrance. It was way too late for anyone to come and skate - Yuko said that the rink was closed for the day an hour ago.

His lips parted slightly in surprise when a girl with H/L H/C hair was standing at the entrance, panting slightly as perspiration dripped down from her forehead. "Who are you?" The question slipped past his lips harsher than he wanted it to, causing the stranger to lift her head and meet his gaze. "I'm Yuko's friend, she wouldn't mind me dropping by to skate..." She trailed off, tilting her head to the side. "You're Yuri Plisetsky, aren't you?" He nodded, noting for the first time how she had stood up straight once she laid her eyes on him.

Her hands were trembling slightly as she brushed past him to the counter, ringing the bell and waiting patiently for Yuko to come out from the storage room. Her actions betrayed her calm and collected tone, her nervousness showing despite her desperate attempt to mask it. Yuri walked towards the counter and leaned against it, taking off his skates. "Aren't you going to continue skating? I can wait for you to finish practicing." Hr shrugged when he heard her question, placing his skates on the counter. "I was kind of done for the day, anyway." He lied.

Yuko finally emerged from the storage room, greeting the H/C stranger enthusiastically and immediately engaging her in an excited conversation. Yuri waited until she received her skates and headed to the rink before opening his mouth again. "So, what's your name?" She blushed a little, shifting her skates to her left hand and pushing her hair to one side with her other before replying.

"Y/N L/N. You can call me Y/N." Sticking out her right hand, she waited for Yuri to shake her hand. He stared at it for a moment before grabbing hold of it, giving it and firm shake. "Yuri Plisetsky, though you already know that." She giggled, pulling away and sitting down on the benches to put on her skates. Yuri sat down in the spot she previously occupied when she headed towards the rink, watching with fascination how she performed a small routine she choreographed herself. Her movements were graceful, reminding him of how an angel would move.

"How was that? It isn't perfect, right? I know, Yuuri have been giving me advice since he came back to Japan..." She turned away bashfully, a longing smile on her face. "I wish he'll stay this time, though. I missed him." The nostalgia in her voice wasn't gone unnoticed by the blonde, and he felt an ache in his chest when he saw how her eyes brightened when she brought up Yuuri. "I think it was great, actually. Perhaps I can help you a little in between my practices?" Without a second thought, the offer spilled out of his lips.

A wide smile started to spread across her face, causing Yuri's heart to pound against his chest. She quickly made her way towards the exit, wrapping her arms tightly around him before he could protest. "Thank you!" The squeal that came out of her reminded him of how one of his fangirl's had thanked him. Grinning a little he pulled away slightly and ushered her back on the ice, asking her to repeat her routine. Keeping one eye on her, he found a piece of paper in her jacket which she left on the bench, quickly signing his name down.

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