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Author-Chan: Hi guys, I just checked Wattpad and guess what I saw??? This book hit 1K!!! I used to have 40K reads and a few hundred votes but once I went inactive all my followers left me. Since I watch and love Yuri!!! On Ice, it inspired me to write and that's why this book is here! Thank you for bringing this book to 1K! I'm extremely thankful for every single one of you, for those who leave wonderful comments and requests. I appreciate every single one of yo- 

Yurio: Oi! Are you done, shithead? That's some long ass speech *gets smacked on the head by author* What was that for, idiot? 

JJ: Just let her complete the speech. 

Yurio: Shut up! 

Author-Chan: Stop fighting!!! As I was saying, I appre- 

Yurio: Ugh I'll help you complete it. She appreciates your views and votes and hope this book will continue to gain more reads and she shamelessly asks you guys to try to bring this book to 50 votes before the year ends even when she is lazy to type requests and update regularly. She thanks you once again. Bye. *disappears before author can hit him again* 

Author-Chan: Yeah basically what he said just in a nicer way. NOW WHERE DID THAT SALTY RUSSIAN GO? 

JJ: It's JJ Style! 

Author-Chan: Shut up, JJ! I should have asked Viktor and Yuri to do this with me. 

Yurio: Oi! Don't compare me with that incompetent pork cutlet bowl! 

Author-Chan: Found you!! 

Yurio: *Shoves Viktor and Yuri towards author* There you go *Disappears again* 

Author-Chan: Viktor!! Yuri!! Say thanks to the readers! 

Viktor: Spasibo!(Спасибо)*winks* 

Yuri: Arigato!! (ありがとう) 

Author-Chan: I wish everyone was here. *sighs* Well, but thanks from everyone! JJ! Yurio! Come say thanks, you ungrateful bastards! 

Yurio: *mumbles* Thanks, I guess. 

JJ: Thanks! It's JJ Style!

Author-Chan: Shut up, JJ! 


Yuri!!! On Ice One ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin