Otayuri - Arcade AU

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[Requested by - KawaiiMouse_Senpaii ,WovenCapybara ]
Highschool AU

Yuri stepped into the the arcade, fascinated by what he was immediately greeted with. It was noisy, filled with a lot of people, and lights were flashing everywhere. Not really his type of place, but, captured his attention nonetheless. He started to roam around aimlessly, trying to look for a game that he was remotely interested in. He started to venture further into the arcade, where there were less people and all the less popular games were.

His wandering eyes scanned the games displayed there, a small frown now tugging on his lips as he hasn't found anything yet. All of a sudden, his gaze fell upon a slightly taller male who was hunched in front of a machine, his eyes locked on the screen in concentration. The machine was placed right at the back of the arcade, where practically no one was. He froze for a second, before his feet moved on their own accord towards the machine.

Yuri stood behind the other male, peeking past his body to look at the screen. There was another identical machine right beside it, and Yuri moved towards the machine, digging around in his pocket to find the coins he needed to play the game. The male beside him stopped playing, turning around to look at him in astonishment. "Hi?" He asked hesitantly, trying to get Yuri's attention.

The blonde looked up for a second, raising an eyebrow as if to ask 'what?'. "You know how to play [r/g] too?" Yuri shook his head in response, finally getting his coins out and inserting them into the machine. "But you could teach me?" Yuri suggested, shrugging his shoulders. "I guess I could, I'm done with mine anyway," He lied smoothly, quickly hitting the exit button and stepping slightly to the side so he could see Yuri's screen. "My name's Otabek Altin, what's yours?" He asked as he leaned forward to guide Yuri's hand towards the start button.

"Yuri. Yuri Plisetsky."

That was how Yuri Plisetsky, the "punk", as labelled by his classmates, made his first friend.

The blonde's trips to the arcade slowly increased from two times a week to every other day, for he simply couldn't wait to see Otabek again. Yuri refused to admit it, but Otabek meant more than anyone did to him. "Beka!" Yuri waved at the male who was waiting for him beside their machine, as always. Otabek turned towards Yuri, a small smile on his normally neutral face. "Hey, Yura. Glad to see you're on time for once." He joked, already reaching into his pocket for coins.

Yuri's face burned red with embarrassment while he waited for Otabek to insert the coins and ducked under his arm, leaning against the taller male's chest and positioning his hand above the controls. "That was only one time!" He protested as Otabek placed his hand on top of his, guiding it towards the start button.

"Yeah, yeah... the game's starting!"

~Time Skip~

Yuri rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet as he waited for the automatic doors of he arcade to slide open. A smile was plastered on his face as he weaved through the throng of people crowded at the front of the arcade, making his way towards their machine slowly. His smile dropped the moment once he managed to get to the back of the arcade. What he saw caused tears to gather in his eyes, even though he had no idea why they were there.

He tried to find his voice, opening his mouth to call out to Otabek, but nothing came out except a strangled sob. The tiny sound caught Otabek's attention, though, and he turned around to find Yuri's back facing him. His heart shattered, gritting his teeth as the girl next to him tugged on his sleeve, her high pitched voice making his blood boil. Right before Yuri disappeared into the crowd, he turned behind, meeting Otabek's eyes.

'I'm sorry' Otabek tried to mouth, but Yuri shook his head a little, clearly disappointed. Otabek looked back down at the girl, breaking eye contact first. She snuggled up against him, wrapping her fingers around his arms. Resisting the urge to push her away, Otabek returned his focus towards the game and tried to shake off the feeling that he just lost the most important thing in his life.

Yuri stopped going to the arcade after that, even when Otabek waited in vain for him beside their machine. Eventually, Otabek gave up hoping that Yuri would turn up, and stopped waiting. The more he played the game, the heavier his heart got, memories trying to push their way through his mind. I'm sorry, if only I had the guts to reject her earlier, this would not have happened.

~Time Skip~

Yuri exhaled slowly, shoving his hands into the pocket of his jeans and trying to look nonchalant. He hadn't planned to go to the arcade, not after that incident. But his feet somehow found their way there and he was now standing in front of the arcade, trying to summon the courage the go into the place and face Otabek - and maybe his girlfriend - if they were still hanging out there, that is.

The sound of footsteps on asphalt caused him to turn around, eyes widening slightly when he met those mesmerising brown orbs. Those very orbs he missed so damn much. "W-Where's your girlfriend?" Yuri found his voice first, his features hardening when he mentioned the last word. "She's not my girlfriend, she just wanted a date and I gave it to her." Otabek finally found his voice.

Yuri scoffed, moving slightly so that his hair covered his face and Otabek couldn't read his expression. "Not that I cared, anyway." He muttered under his breath, turning away from Otabek and walking towards the arcade. "Are you coming or not?" Otabek nodded, hurrying to follow the blonde through the doors and towards their machine. It was abandoned, as always. He immediately begun to search for coins but Yuri slammed his hand on the machine, stopping him from inserting the coins.

"Who's she? Why did she ask for a date? Are you still seeing her?" Questions spilled out of his mouth rapidly, his cheeks slightly flushed. An amused smile formed on Otabek's face. He cares, after all. "She just a classmate of mine... somehow I ended up being forced to play truth or dare and she dared me to go on a date with her. And gods, no, I hate her." He shuddered in disgust. Yuri visibly relaxed and he moved his hand away, trying to fight the smile that was trying to crawl onto his face.

"You were jealous, weren't you?" Otabek teased, leaning in to brush the hair out of Yuri's face. Yuri blushed redder at the intimate contact, his gaze darting everywhere, trying to avoid staring into Otabek's eyes. "N-No, what made you think so?" He stammered, jerking backwards. Otabek moved closer, grabbing Yuri's wrist and pinning him against the wall, smirking down at the blonde. Yuri's eyes were filled with apprehension, waiting for Otabek to make the next move.

"O-Otabek, the game is-" Before he could complete his sentence, Otabek leaned down and pressed his lips against Yuri's efficiently shutting him up. He didn't expect anything to happen, in fact he thought Yuri would push him off and storm out of the arcade, and it would be the last time he would ever see him again. But Yuri reacted quickly, kissing him back, surprising the older male.

"W-Wow..." Yuri murmured when they pulled away, his blush spreading to his neck now. "I love you, Yuri." Otabek whispered, giving him and light peck on his lips.

"I never thought I would say this but, I fell in love with you the moment I saw you standing in front of this machine."

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