Phichit Chulanont - Trust

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[Requested by: @BlazenJoker] 

!Trigger warning!

Y/N sighed as she started to make her way back home in the rain. It wasn't uncommon for her to do so, despite the fact that she had an elder brother who could have fetched her home in his car. She rolled her eyes just thinking about him, knowing that it would be useless to depend on someone like her brother. He was sweet and protective towards her, but his girlfriend would always come first. After all, she was always neglected. She was used to being neglected. At least until she decided to join figure skating for fun.

Ever since that day, a certain Thai wouldn't leave her alone. Well, as much as he could, anyway. He couldn't exactly follow her to school and back home. But that day, he was worried that she would forget to bring her umbrella, and was waiting for her just outside the school gate, a large umbrella in his hands.

Maybe today would be the day... No one's home, after all. I'll be long gone before any of them realises.  "Y/N!" He yelled over the sound of the rain to get her attention when she was approaching him. She glanced up, her eyes widening slightly when she saw him standing there. "You don't need to do this, you know. I'll just fall sick and miss and couple of practices, but I'm no international star, so it's fine." She stated when Phichit moved to the side in order for her to stand under the umbrella as well. "W-Well, I don't want you to get sick." He mumbled softly, not knowing if she heard him or not.

"Thanks." Her normally cold voice softened a little upon hearing his previous sentence, warmth that she had never felt before coursing through her veins. Just the thought that someone, even though he'll eventually forget about her, cared, caused a small smile to spread across her lips. Phichit cheeks heated up despite the fact that he was drenched by the rain, shivering slightly every time the wind blew. I want to see her angelic smile more often... 

By the time they reached Y/N's house, Phichit already knew that he would be skipping the next few practices. Right when he was about to bid goodbye to Y/N, he sneezed, drawing Y/N's attention. "Y-You're soaked!" He nodded, sneezing again. "I-I'm fine though..." He protested. "No, you're not! You're going to fall sick if you don't shower immediately!" She didn't wait for his answer, just grabbing his arm and dragging him into her house and throwing him a towel and some clothes, shoving him towards her bathroom in record speed. 

So she cares, huh? Phichit thanked her profusely once he stepped out of the bathroom, already placing the wet ones in his bag and shouldering it. The light in Y/N's eyes dimmed a little when Phichit seemed to be in a hurry to leave her house. "D-Don't you want to stay for a while?" She asked, not looking at him directly in the eye. He went rigid, and she mentally chided herself for blurting that out. 

"I-It's alright, I'll show you out..." She mumbled, tears gathering in her eyes. She brushed them away before he could see them, forcing a smile that didn't quite meet her eyes onto her face. "Ah... I was just about to agree... but if it isn't convenient for you, then I'll leave." Her eyes widened and her head snapped up, looking at him in surprise. No one had ever offered to stay before. After all, she was just someone everyone replaces after a while. There was no need for them to understand or delve into her personal space. 

She was just a passing shadow, one that provided warmth and comfort in their darkest times, but thrown away once they found someone better. All her life, she's been nothing more than that. She could see it in their eyes; the way they all look at her weren't full of sincerity. They were just using her, and when she's sucked dry, she'll cease to exist to them. She never minded though, assuming that this was her purpose in life. 

But Phichit's eyes; they were different. They weren't cold and unfeeling, they were filled with kindness and genuine curiosity. He just wanted to know more, and he meant no harm at all. One message stood out above all the rest, one that she had been searching for her entire life. 'I won't leave.' They promised. Her lips parted slightly in surprise, not entirely processing what he said. "Do you want me to leave instead?" He asked softly, worrying his bottom lip with his front teeth. Y/N shook her head a little, telling herself to get it together. 

"Make yourself comfortable..." She nodded towards the couch, hurrying off to fetch drinks for Phichit. Setting them down on the table quickly, she sat down beside him, grabbing a packet drink for herself as well. "Is no one at home?" Phichit started, breaking the awkward silence that had descended upon the duo. Y/N shook her head, her smile turning into a frown, her eyebrows scrunched up together. "My brother is with his girlfriend, and my parents are hardly at home. They are currently out of town." She revealed, her tone making it clear that family was a sensitive topic that she wanted to avoid. 

"So, would you mind if I drop by more often? To, you know, keep you company?" He slid his phone out and snapped a picture of the drinks while speaking to her. "Of course not!" She exclaimed enthusiastically, before covering her mouth with her hands, realising how exited she sounded. "I-I mean, I don't mind. I'm alone most of the time anyway." Phichit giggled a little at her reaction, clicking 'post' as he did so. 

"I-I'll get food!" She informed him, clearly still flustered by her previous outburst. She tried to manoeuvre her way through the couch and table but her leg hit the corner of it, causing her to fall forward. She let out a yelp when her body collided with the floor, warmth blossoming on her cheeks when she realised that she had tripped in front of Phichit. She was too busy with the fact that he had just witnessed such a clumsy side of her that she didn't notice that her sleeves had rode up. 

When things got a little too much, the blade seemed to be her only friend. The only one that never failed to let her down, to numb to pain. Cuts crisscrossed all over her arms, which she hid with accessories and long sleeves. He had assumed that she was just bothered by the cold. Phichit couldn't help the tears that were brimming in his eyes; he cared so much about her yet he never knew that she had sought to inflicting pain on herself. 

"Y/N..." He moved to kneel beside her embarrassed form on the floor, reaching out to grab her wrists gently and tugging them towards him. She froze, all of her previous thoughts dissipating when she glanced down to see her cuts all exposed. She looked back up in horror, meeting Phichit's sad ones. "I-This-I can explain..." She tried to form another sentence but he brought her right wrist to his mouth, kissing each and every cut gently. 

"I'm sorry I never noticed, Y/N." His voice was chocked with tears. He moved on to her left wrist, never faltering. "I'll pay more attention to you in the future, I swear I will. But if things get hard, if you feel like it's too much," He paused, letting go of her wrists to wrap his arms around her. "I'm here for you." He whispered the last part in her ear, kissing it afterwards. 

"H-How can I trust you?" She asked, her voice rough and broken, showing just how much she was let down in the past. 

"I won't expect you to trust me immediately, but I'll wait. I'll prove to you that I can be trusted." He pulled away, and kissed her forehead next, giving her a sad smile. Then, he left. 

~Time Skip~

Slowly, but surely, Phichit broke down the walls she built around her heart. He never gave up; he was always there when she needed him to. With his help, she slowly stopped cutting, and suicide never once crossing her mind since that day. That day, Y/N felt that she was finally ready to let Phichit into her life. 

"Are you going to disappear one day, like the rest?" She asked first, turning around as she did so. They were currently on the couch, her back against his chest as they stared at their own mobile devices. He placed his away immediately, smiling sweetly down at her. "I would never, Y/N. Are my actions now enough? What else-" She cut him off by flipping her body around completely and smashing her lips onto his. 

For a second, Phichit didn't know how to react, but he soon relaxed into the kiss, closing his eyes and weaving his hands through her hair. 

"I love you." She murmured when they pulled away, resting her forehead on his. 

"Mm... I love you more." 


I would have made this longer if I could, but unfortunately I'm just not in the mood for angst at the moment. This hit really close to home, which was what made this request particularly easy to write. I've always felt like I only existed to people in my life only when they needed me, but when they find someone better than me, I just become invisible. I'm used to it already, though. I hope you never felt this way, and if you really feel like it's too much to handle, just speak to me, my DMs are always open. 

Thanks for reading~ 

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