Vikturio - Love The Way You Lie

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A/N: If you don't ship them, don't read it. If you still want to, don't hate. Please read the Author's Note at the back too, it's really important for those who REQUESTED. For clarification, I shall call Yuri P. Yurio and Yuri K. Yuri in this one shot. Enjoy!

!Trigger Warning!

Yurio rolled his eyes when Viktor and Yuri entered the rink, pulling his sleeves a little lower so they won't ride up when he was executing the jumps. There wasn't any practice today, but Yurio didn't want to stay at the apartment that he just recently started calling 'home', where the mere sight of Viktor and Yuri flirting grossed him out. Brushing past the duo, he glided onto the ice and started to warm up.

"Hey, Yurio!" Viktor finally noticed the blonde on the ice, smiling a little and waving. Yurio frowned, coming to a sudden stop in the middle of his routine. "Shut up." He grumbled, the mood to skate gone. "Is something wrong?" Yuri asked when he saw Yurio skating towards the exit, his face darker than usual. "I said shut up!" Yurio yelled in their direction, disappearing into the changing rooms without another word. Yuri and Viktor exchanged a glance, before Viktor headed off after Yurio.

He waited for Yurio to finish stuffing his things into his bag before speaking. "What's wrong?" Yurio shook his head a little, avoiding eye contact with the taller Russian. Shrugging his shoulders, he stepped to the side and walked towards the exit, his back hunched a little, making him look more vulnerable.

Viktor let out a sigh, unlacing his skates and placing them on the counter, hurrying out after Yurio. "Do you not understand the meaning of 'leave me alone'? You have the whole rink to yourselves! Shouldn't you be in there, flirting with Yuri?" He spat out, his voice bitter.

"You don't have to feel jealous that I spend more time with Yuri, Yurio. I love you, too." Viktor stated, reaching out to pull the blonde into his arms. Yurio stiffened, his cheeks slightly flushed. "Well, the feeling isn't mutual, old geezer." He mumbled, struggling to get out of his grip.

Viktor pouted, leaning down so that he was staring right into Yurio's eyes. Yurio turned the other way, ducking his head and squirming out of Viktor's grasp. Turning on his heel, he started to brisk walk down the pavement towards their home.

When he paused to fish the key out of his pocket, Viktor thrust his hand forward, pushing the key into the lock and opening the door. "Why are you still here?!" Yuri's voice grew more agitated, anger and exasperation clear in those emerald green orbs.

"You still haven't told me what's wrong." Viktor answered him calmly, pushing Yurio into the apartment and closed the door behind them. They shrugged off their coats and took off their scarf and shoes in silence, placing them in their respective places.

Without waiting for Viktor to finish, Yurio headed up towards his room, shutting the door silently. Once the lock clicked, he slid down the door, burying his head into his palms. Tears trickled down his face, the images of Yuri and Viktor's happy expressions burned into his mind like an insignia.

I'm not needed at all, everyone who claims to love me all left me in the end. I'm just another promise they couldn't keep. After all I've done, Yuri's still better than me in Viktor's eyes. After all, who would love someone as messed up and broken as me? Standing up slowly, he made his way to the bathroom where he hid his stash of blades, bringing the metallic item to his wrist.

He winced a little when the blood dripped down his arm and into the sink below. This isn't enough, I deserve to feel more pain. I'm a monster. Yurio made his way down his arm, until the world started to spin. Gripping the sink tightly, he took in a deep breath and waited for his vision to focus.

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