Yuri Plisetsky - Forgotten

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[Requested by @DragonFart5 ]
Italics - Flashback/ thoughts

"I'm leaving for [dream country] in a few weeks... will you be able to send me off?" I asked, snuggling up to the tired Russian on the couch. He nodded his head sleepily, pulling me closer. "Mm... I'll be there, don't worry. I'm really tired now..." he trailed off, his eyelids flickering shut. Satisfied with his answer, I closed my eyes and fell asleep in his arms.

Flashback ends

Waiting on the platform nervously, I stood on my tiptoes (if you're tall just ignore this) and craned my neck, trying to spot the blonde. My heartbeat increased every time I saw someone with his hair Colour but when you took a closer look it wasn't him. The bell rang, signalling that the gates were closing soon. Sighing, I dragged my luggage towards the entrance.

It looks like I was forgotten after all.

3rd Person POV

Yuri wiped the sweat from his forehead, breathing out a sigh of relief when Yakov dismissed him. He had this feeling that he was forgetting something important but he couldn't recall what it was. Grabbing his bag, a handwritten note slipped through the zip. Picking it up, his eyes widened and his heart started to race.

I'm an idiot! Today Y/N is leaving for [dream country] and she won't be back until 6 months later! Throwing on his hoodie, he slung his back over his shoulder and raced out of the skating rink. He ran as fast as his legs could take him towards the airport, praying that he would be able to make it.

I said that I would there to see her off! How could I have forgotten? He tried desperately to remember when they had some private time together after that night, but no memories surfaced. He was too busy preparing for the Grand Prix Final that he barely had time for Y/N. And now, she was about to leave Russia...

Please wait for me, Y/N, I'm coming he pressed on even as his muscles began to tire, tearing down streets after streets, his emerald green eyes fixated on the airport. His phone buzzed and he glanced down, catching sight of Y/N's name on the screen. Bringing it up to his ear, he picked up the call.

Y/N: "Hey Yurio! I'm about to board the flight, I Guess I'll see you six months later. You'll remember this time, right?"

Yuri: "No! Just wait for a few more minutes,"

He paused to suck in a deep breath and ran faster than before, his hair flying everywhere.

Yuri: "I'm coming..."

Ending the call, he squeezed his eyes shut and sprinted towards the door of the airport. Bursting through the glass doors, he glanced around, trying to find your [hair length] [hair colour] hair. Which terminal did she say again? Terminal 1? No... she said 3. Yes it was 3. Why are there so many people? Dammit. I have to make it...


I stood near the gates, my knuckles turning white from gripping the handle of the luggage too tightly. "I'm coming..." his voice echoed through my ears. A small smile grazed my lips as I stared out into the crowd again, hope reigniting in my chest. Somewhere out there, my Russian fairy was dodging people and making his way towards me. He might just make it.

All of a sudden, someone ran towards me and wrapped their arms around me, pressing their head into the crook of my neck. "Y-Yuri? You made it!" I yelled happily as we fell onto the floor. He leaned down and pressed his freezing lips against mine, his cheeks flushed despite how cold his body felt against mine.

"I was so scared you had already left." He buried his face back into my chest, hugging me tightly. I chuckled, running my fingers through his silky hair. "I thought you had really forgotten about me." I mumbled softly, happy tears escaping my eyes.

He looked up, wiping the tears away with his thumb.

"No matter what I do, you'll never be forgotten."


This is considered fluff right? I got inspiration for this after seeing a picture on Instagram(the picture above), so credits to the artist :) I kinda like this, but Yuri is so OOC here >.< I think he'll be very sweet to his girlfriend/ boyfriend if he has one though.

Thanks for reading~

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