Vikturio - Empty Promises

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Sequel to 'Love The Way You Lie'

!Trigger Warning!

"In the end, I was just another promise you couldn't keep."

It wasn't long before Yuuri returned, stealing Viktor away once again. After all, what else could he do at the rink without his coach? Yurio sighed, his gaze flitting towards the bathroom every now and then. I can't. If the object finds it's way into my hands, god knows what I would do. Tugging his sleeves lower, he curled up into a ball and fell into a restless sleep.

By the time he sat up groggily, it was close to midnight. He rubbed his eyes, trying to get the blurry features to come into focus. Moonlight streamed into his room, bathing it in a certain silver glow. His eyes landed on the packages on his desk that he had yet to open. They came in the mail the day before with specific instructions to open them the next day. Setting them down in front of him on the bed, his fingers hovered above the brown material.

Several noises could be heard from the room across the hall, giggles and whispers from none other than the two people he detested with passion at that point of time. His lips curling down in disgust, he swiped his phone from his table and plugged in his headphones, turning the volume up and conveniently blocking the sounds that they were making. Taking in a deep breath, he carefully tore open the packaging, freezing when he saw the contents.

A leather jacket was nestled between the brown material, with a pair of leather gloves to match on top of it. Quickly grabbing the other packages, he was left with a pile of ripped open packaging and things he had always wanted strewn all over the bed. Seeing them there felt wrong somehow, seemingly mocking him that everyone had remembered this day except the person he cared about the most.

Tears filled his vision once more, as he pushed everything onto the floor. Several objects landed with a soft thud, but the harder ones were quite the opposite. Unknown to him, Yuuri had fallen asleep and Viktor was drifting in and out of consciousness when the loud sound woke him up. Quickly glancing at the figure beside him and ensuring Yuuri was still fast asleep, he wriggled himself out of the other male's grasp and made his way towards Yurio's room.

"Are you alright?" He called out, knocking once on the door. Silence greeted him. The seconds towards midnight ticked by slowly, as dread slowly seeped into his veins when there wasn't any sign of movement coming from the room. Knocking again, he kept his gaze trained on the clock. "Yurio?" His voice was tinged with worry, desperation clear in that one word. Worrying his bottom lip between his front teeth, he waited for an answer.

A sound resounded throughout the house, but not one he would have expected. Growing rigid, he fumbled with the door, trying to get it to open. Cursing under his breath, he rushed to the living room and pulled open cupboards and drawers, trying to find the key. His heart pounded against his chest as he finally found the key, pushing it into the lock with trembling hands. He pushed the door open, his gaze darting around fervently.

There was no one in the bedroom.

Items were thrown across the floor, some of them still in their packaging. A gust of wind blew a piece of paper towards the Russian. The paper fluttered around him for a while, before it settled down on the floor. Bending down, he scanned the words on the paper, his shoulders sagging as he read on. The two words in the first line repeated itself over and over again in his ears.

Happy Birthday.

How could he have forgotten? 1st March. Yurio's birthday. It all clicked, the way he scowled when they arrived at the rink, acting like it was just a normal day. Everyone remembered. He realised when he looked back down at the items he now knew were gifts from the skaters. Everyone, even JJ. Everyone, except him.

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