Viktor Nikiforov - Winter Walks (Special #1)

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"Why are you so busy nowadays?" I asked Viktor when he slammed the door to our shared apartment shut. It was midnight and I was just starting to get worried about him as Yuri told me that practice ended ages ago. "I'm planning to ask my crush out." He mumbled, brushing past me as he headed to his room.

I felt as though someone had punched me in the gut and it was suddenly hard to take in a breath. Blinking away the tears that had formed, I gave him a cheery smile. "That's great!" I managed to choke out, before rushing to my room. You see, we're best friends, but when Viktor pulled me to Japan to coach Yuri, we didn't have enough money to stay in a hotel, and he didn't want to stay at Yuri's, so we rented an apartment and shared the cost.

I've had a crush on Viktor for the longest time, but he didn't seem to notice at all. I was only his best friend, and that was all I would ever be.

Flashback ends

"Y/Nnnnn... I know it's freezing outside but there's nothing to do in the house and I'm so bored..." Viktor pleaded, tugging on my arm and pouting like a 5 year old. "Viktor, for the hundredth time ever, I just want to read my book and stay at home! It's so cold out there." I pried his fingers away and continued to sip my hot chocolate, never once looking away from my book.

"I'll bundle you up nice and warm, plus you have a living heater right here!" He refused to give up, snuggling up next to me and slowly removing the book from my hands. I sighed in defeat, any mood to read the novel gone. I finished my drink and stood up, grabbing my coat. "This better be worth it, Nikiforov." I grunted and headed to the door. He squealed and hugged me from behind, catching me slightly by surprise.

"The snow is beautiful, Y/N. Trust me." He handed me my coat, before wrapping a scarf around my neck. "Come on." He grabbed my hand and tugged me towards the door, grabbing his coat from the rack on the way out. I threw my book one last longing glance before allowing him to drag me into the harsh winter.

As we trudged along the roadside covered in snow, I kept my head Low and pressed myself as close as I could to Viktor, who didn't seem to be in the least bothered about the freezing temperatures. He had a small smile on his lips, glancing at me every now and then. Usually he would go one these walks alone, I didn't know what got into him to force me to get me out of the comfort of the apartment.

"Where are we going?" I asked when I realised that we were walking down an unfamiliar road. Viktor continued to smile, the dim lighting from the lampposts making it hard to tell if his flushed cheeks grew redder or not. I sighed and continued to follow him to where ever he was going. After all, this was his idea.

*time skip*

"Why are we at a park?" I demanded when he pushed open the rusty gates. "Close your eyes." He instructed, ignoring my question. I glared at him, unsure of what to make do with this side of Viktor - the side I've never seen. He sighed softly, moving to stand behind me and cup his hands over my eyes, efficiently sending my vision plunging into darkness.

I gasped, my fingers clenched into a fist. I had a secret fear of darkness which I only told Viktor, and now that all I could see was black, I was starting to panic. Viktor must have noticed my frightened state, for he hurriedly bent down and pressed his lips against my neck, that one action spreading warmth coursing through my veins. "It's okay, I'm still here. I won't let anything harm you." He murmured against my neck. I sucked in a deep breath, forcing my muscles to relax. Slowly, my heartbeat slowed down to a normal pace and I was calm enough to listen to Viktor and move from my spot.

Through his instructions, I navigated the park "blindfolded", until he stopped me. "We're here." He announced, bringing his hands away from my eyes. I blinked, unable to believe the sight in front of my eyes. "W-Wow." I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding, turning to look at Viktor in amazement. "You did this? All of it?" My voice was laced with disbelief, Viktor could never pull this off in a million years. He had a smug smile on his face, nodding.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" He said, gesturing towards the pond. It should have frozen over, but miraculously it had not. The lily pads which were floating about everywhere on the pond had electric candles on top of them, giving the whole place a warm glow. It took me a second to realise that the candles formed a sentence, but when I did, my eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

"W-When you told me you were going to ask your crush out, you were talking about this?" I questioned incredulously. He nodded, and now that the lighting has improved, I could see the clear blush on his pale face. "Will you be my Girlfriend, Y/N?" He asked, repeating what was displayed in front of me. I leaned in, pressing my lips against his, hoping that my answer would be delivered to him.

I love you, I love you, I love you.

"I'll take that as a yes." He said when we pulled away for air, our foreheads still pressed against each other's. Just then, snow started to fall softy from the sky, making everything seem more magical than it already is. Viktor closed his eyes, giving me a peck on the cheek. "The snow is beautiful, right?" He whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. I nodded, feeling my cheeks heat up when what just happened fully sank down into my subconscious.

Suppressing my inner fangirl, I smirked up at him.

"Guess I'll be going on more winter walks now."


Did this feel rushed because I actually put in a lot of effort into this *sheepish giggle* sorry if it sucks, my Phichit one shot is going live in an hour or so.

Thanks for reading~

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