Chapter 14

755 32 58

Warnings: None

     ~Vikk's P.O.V.~

(A few days later)

     "I reckon we should go look for another item soon, yeah?" Lachlan sighs, stretching his back and causing it to pop.
Jerome nods thoughtfully, "Yeah, and I guess it's worth mentioning that when Rob and I went out yesterday I felt a little bit of a pull. But it might have been noting because it was really faint."
"Is that so? You didn't tell me that." Rob says.

Jerome shrugs and offers a sly smile.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm freaking nervous... Both times we've done this someone's gotten hurt. First Lachlan got poisoned, and then Rob almost died." Preston points out.
"Then I guess we'll just have to try harder... Think of it as a challenge." Mitch replies, pretending to draw back a bow and let an arrow sail.
"What way did you guys head?" I ask Rob, and Jerome.
"We didn't go very far. Maybe, halfway to the desert and we were hunting out in the middle of the field. I kinda sensed it towards the right... Where the plains continues onwards." Jerome recalls, staring upwards at the ceiling.
"So like, not towards the forest, but where the plains curves around?"
"Alright so tomorrow then, let's head out that way. It shouldn't be too far." Lachlan plans.
"We should bring our horses just in case we need to make a hasty retreat." Rob suggests, all us us nodding our consent.
"Now don't do anything stupid Rob, because I swear if you die, I will kill you." Preston warns.
"How does one... You know what? Never mind." I trail off, shaking my head.


"Lead the way Jerome."
"With pleasure Preston."

     Cocoa, Jerome's dark brown horse, rears up and charges through the stable gates. Rob then exits next (everyone still worried he'd pass out again), followed by Mitch, Preston, Lachlan, and myself. The wind rushes past my ears as Twilight picks up speed not keen on being in last place. I grip onto her reins for dear life as she puts on another burst of speed.

"Woah slow down there girl, this isn't a race." I remind her, before she can plow through Lachlan.

Twilight snorts in defiance, but paces herself none the less. I sigh in relief, my grip loosening. The sun, high in the sky, beats down on us as our horses thunder across the landscape. I sneak a glance behind us, and notice we've already traveled almost halfway to the desert in a short amount of time. No wait, not halfway, but staring back ahead I notice we've almost reached the desert. Okay, what's happening here... It is not psychically possibly to have traveled that distance in such a short amount of time. And right on cue Jerome kinda jumps, shaking his head and forcing his horse to skid to a stop. Rob yelps and pulls back harshly, surprised at Jerome's sudden halt. Mitch quickly pulls Arrow to the side, circling back around, Preston does the same (but not after almost crashing into the two), and Lachlan and I have enough reaction time to safely slow down.

"Okay, that's just wrong. For a moment I had begun to pick up on the feeling... And then boom its behind us." Jerome frowns as we all gather in a circle.
I nod, "You're right, there is no way we could have gone that fast. And look, the river before the desert is close to us."

All of us turn and gaze at the river, flowing only about sixty some blocks away.

"Weird..." Lachlan comments.
"So do we just turn around then?" Preston questions, and Jerome nods, starting off again.

We resume our order and start back towards... Wherever Jerome feels I guess. But I can't shake the funny feeling on me, and I repeatedly glance back to make sure we haven't skipped any amount of distance. Luckily, we don't. Soon enough we reach the middle of the field, and we all veer off towards where the plains continue on. And after we enter roughly about the centre of the field, Jerome stops abruptly. Again. And we all almost crash into one another. Again.

"Jerome, stop. Being. An ISSUE." Lachlan exclaims.
"Sorry, sorry, but something's not right."
"What do you mean?" Rob questions.
"Like... The feeling was right in front of me and now it's to the right." Jerome explains warily, squinting his eyes.
"And now it's to the left!" Jerome interrupts, making Cocoa turn. "And now front..." He turns again. "Left again... And right..." He turns in a full circle, and then frowns. "And now it's gone...?"
"But how could that be? I don't have knowledge of any item that can randomly change positions."

Preston hums and scratches his chin, glancing around.

"That's just the thing Mitch... There isn't"
"What are you trying to say Preston?" I question him.
"Think about it. Items don't usually move on their own... Well not in long distances anyways. But something else can. What is the only known mob that can tele-"
"Woah guys, take a look at the sky." Lachlan interrupts, causing Preston to frown.

But instead of continuing we all glance at the sky, to see that thick clouds have covered the sun and everything seems to become a shade darker.

"It's not going to rain... Is it?" Preston states cautiously, his eyes showing fear.

Oh that's right, Preston could literally be turned to stone if it started to rain.

And then all of a sudden our horses, who have been fidgety this whole time, start neighing in horror and bucking widely. All of us cry out in surprise, and before long each of our horses has kicked us off and bolted off in the opposite direction.

"That's not a good sign..." Rob groans, rubbing his head.
"Jerome, do you feel anything?" Lachlan asks urgently.

Jerome slowly pushes himself to his feet, eyes glazed over in fear. We watch in fearful confusion as he pulls out his axe slowly.

"Jerome, where is the feeling?!" Mitch demands.

"It's behind us."


I made it pretty obvious, but, take a guess on what mutant they're fighting next ;)

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