Chapter 30

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Warnings: Sadish? Eh?

~Vikk's P.O.V.~

     Thankfully Mitch woke up the day after Lachlan got his memories back, so we didn't have to wait too long. Apparently our guesses were right, and he merely passed out due to exhaustion... Luckily. Getting back home wasn't a problem either. Well... Almost. Since each of us has been stuck with only one set of armour the entire time, which has encompassed two mutant fights, it didn't take long for them to break. And during the mutant fight, the last of our protection shattered into pieces. Including Preston's. And since Preston refused to even approach the snow because he had no armour, we had the 'honour' of taking turns and carrying him back. Well everyone expect for me that is... Preston is quite a bit heavier that I am and if I tried to carry him on my back, it probably wouldn't have ended up well. But from what I could tell, each time Preston was handed off to someone else, he cling on for dear life. It was quite the scene really. Needless to say Preston (and 'secretly' everyone else) was relived when we finally got out of the snow biome.

    And so now it's been a day since we've returned, and everyone's just kinda lazing around and taking a break from the constant fighting. Earlier today we replaced our armour and weapons, preparing in advance for when we'd set out again. At the moment I'm sitting on top of our roof, gazing out at the massive plains in front of me. Many kinds of passive mobs are wandering around, and the grass is swaying in the breeze. Being apart from everyone is leaving me to contemplate everything that's happened so far. From the very night when I first found myself in the forest, to meeting Lachlan, finding everyone else, and then anything and everything in between up until this point.

     But truth be told, I'm feeling sorta down. There's definitely one reason why I'm feeling this way that I can pick out, and I'm not too sure about the second one but I mean you never know, right? And I guess the others have noticed my less cheery mood lately, because only a few seconds later the ladder creaks loudly and I feel a presence... Or five... Behind me. I turn my head to acknowledge the others presence before dully glancing back out at the plains.

     "Vikk...? Are you okay? You've seemed a bit down lately..." Lachlan asks carefully, as if he's trying not to cross some sort of line. Maybe he's still guilty about hitting me. Meh.
     "Yeah I'm fine... I've just got some things on my mind." I reply in a defeated way, sensing the five of them coming to sit around me.
     "Do... Do you wanna talk about it?" Jerome questions gently.
     "Actually yeah. I do. It's probably silly and just something I'm over reacting over, but..." I chuckle before my voice quotes again, "I'm just feeling... A little left out y'know...?"
     Preston's face morphs into shock, "Vikk I'm so sorry! I didn't realize that you felt like we weren't-"
     "No Preston, it's not like that. You guys are family to me." I reassure him, Preston's face relaxing a bit. "But you guys have all gotten your memories already. You guys know what's going on, and I just feel like the odd one out. Y'know?"
"Aww Vikk, c'mere." Rob coos, embracing me for a moment.
"But if you think about it Vikk, your not missing all that much." Mitch points out. "I mean like, sure we're getting our memories back and stuff, but so far it looks like they're only telling us how we got here in the first place. Lachlan just got his, so yours might be the very last one that tells us what happened in the first place. But looking back at what we've learned... We haven't really been shown who we are. Because if I'm right then we should have a whole lotta other memories on our childhoods and stuff like that."
"Yeah okay... I guess you're right."
"See Vikk? You're not alone in this. We're gonna get through it together, no matter what." Lachlan beams, raising my moods slightly.
But the happiness doesn't last long, it plummets a second later. "But that brings me to my second thing. Once I get my memories, what then? We still don't know where the fudge we are, or where the village is. For all we know it could be years away!"
      "Maybe your memory will show us that?" Jerome guesses uncertainly.
      "That may be so, but then we have to find out how to get all our memories back." I huff, slumping in defeat.
      "Hey Vikk? I have a bit of advice... Maybe it'll help." Preston continues, "Let's just focus on today. We can deal with that stuff when it happens."
      "Alright that's it." Lachlan interrupts firmly, everyone turning to face him as he shoots up.
     "Lachlan what are you- Woah!" I yelp, suddenly being pulled to my feet and wrapped in a tight hug.
     "Now Vikk, listen. Preston's right." Lachlan starts, "I'm not gonna let you go until you realize that everything's gonna be okay. Like Preston said, we'll deal with all of this when we get there. What we need to focus on today is today and not tomorrow or the day after or anything like that. And in all honesty, even if we don't get all our memories back right away, look what we've done so far! Im one hundred percent sure that, wherever in the world we will get our memories back, we will get them. Even if it's the last thing we do. Got it?"

The air falls silent as Jerome, Mitch, Preston, Rob, and Lachlan wait for me to respond. By now they're all on their feet too, at least I think so... I mean I'm kinda trapped against Lachlan but I'm assuming they are. And I guess I just really needed a hug, because before I realize what I'm doing, fresh tears are streaming down my cheeks. I wriggle my arms free and limply return the embrace. Lachlan's right. They're all right.

"Th-thank you... Everyone." I choke out, burying my face in Lachlan hoodie.
Rob speaks next. "Okay first, we're all here for you Vikk. These aren't good times, so just know that no matter what, we're all in this together. But secondly, that is literally adorable."
"Shut up Rob..." I sniffle, a faint smile breaking out on my face as Lachlan finally releases me.
"So we all good then?" Mitch inquires, directing the question mostly to me.
"Yeah. We're good."
"Alright then let's just go relax. After all, it is our rest day." Preston points out, everyone else nodding.
"Hey, hey guys. What do you get when you mix a spider, with a snow golem?" Jerome asks suddenly.
Mitch raises and eyebrow, "I don't know Jerome, what do get when you mix a spider, with a snow golem?"

And to that all of us groan loudly, Jerome standing there looking extremely pleased with himself.

"Ooh ooh. Where do snowgolems keep their gold?"
"Where?" Rob replies.
Jerome's smile widens, "In the snowbank."

Again a round of groans and chuckles set off. Jerome opens his mouth for a third time, but Mitch cuts him off.

"Jerome, I swear, if you tell one more snow pun..." Mitch warns, leaving his statement there.
Jerome bats his eyes innocently, "Oh snow I would never do that to you."
"JEROMEEEE!" Mitch shouts.

Jerome yelps and dashes away, diving down the ladder with Mitch hot on his tail. And then, ever so faintly,

"Awh cmon Mitch! You don't have to be so... cold about it."

And then there's a loud crash followed by a yelp of pain. The four of us then proceed to die laughing.


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