Chapter 20

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Random fun fact about me! For the longest time I though P.O.V. (Point of view) stood for "Perspective of Vision"... Which I mean... Kinda still works but WHY did I think it stood for that XD?


Warnings: Some blood

~Mitch's P.O.V.~

     "We're close... Get ready." I state sternly, pulling out my bow.

     Luckily we got through the swamp okay, and Preston didn't get wet at all. So now we are trekking through an extreme hills biome, and the feeling is driving me crazy. I glance warily at the sky, noticing the sun is rapidly setting. Is this going to be another night time mutant? I ponder, marching on. It's within the next moment the feeling stops, the sun having just set, and the moon beginning to rise. I hold my hand up in a 'stop' motion and peer wearily at my surroundings. Just as everyone else steps up beside me, I feel a presence behind the cliff in front of us. Well, more so a steep hill... But for the first seven blocks or so the hill drops directly down. Silently reaching for an arrow I take a cautious step forward... Just as the mutant steps out. I freeze up and stare down the mutant, which now is clearly a skeleton. It's over twice the height of Lachlan, with not a normal bow, but instead a huge crossbow attached to its arm. I glare at it when I see the shine of my necklace hanging around its neck. But unlike the previous three mobs, this one seems almost... Intelligent. Not that the other mutants could think or anything, but this mutant skeleton isn't bursting into attack like the others. It's just looming there silently, almost seeming to be sending me a smug smile and challenging me. Oh, so it's gonna be archer vs archer eh? Bring it on skelly.

     "Don't you know it's rude..." I begin, notching the arrow and pulling back the string, "TO TAKE SOMETHING THATS NOT YOURS?"

With a twang of the bow my arrow is speeding at the Mutant Skeleton, and lodging itself into a bone with an audible crack. The skeleton rattles its bones in anger, promptly hefting its arm up and shooting an arrow in my direction. I jerk to the side, the arrow head barely skimming my helmet. Everyone else quickly draws their weapons, and Preston loads an arrow into his bow. But before he can release the arrow, before anyone can take a single step, I direct Preston's sim downward and shake my head slowly. The skeleton pauses it's fire.

     "This isn't your fight guys, it's mine. Let me handle this one okay?"
     "But Mitch, that's a mutant!" Vikk protests, pointing to the skeleton.
     "And look, it's not shooting at us. It's challenging me not any of you." I point out.
     "Mitch, we are not letting you fight a mutant alone! Every single time that we've fought one someone has gotten seriously hurt! What do you think is going to happen if you do it all by yourself? It's suicide Mitch!" Lachlan exclaims, making wild hand motions.
     "He's right Mitch, you are going to die of you do this alone." Rob agrees, Preston nodding along sharply.
     "Go get em' Mitch, I know you can do this."
     "WHAAAAAAT?!" Everyone, including me, shouts as we snap our heads towards Jerome.
     "Jerome, you're kidding, right?" Preston hopes, completely baffled.
     "You can't seriously think Mitch is going to survive this." Vikk chimes in.
     "Yeah that's right Vikk, I don't think he can. I know he can." Jerome replies cockily. "Before you cut me off again, listen to me. If you haven't noticed the skeleton isn't even attacking us right now, unlike the other mutants." He continues, the skeleton rattling it's bones in content, "So it's obviously different. Not only that, but it's safe to assume that it probably can use a melee attack... But that it's a long ranged attacker. Sound familiar? That's right, it's the same as Mitch. If this skeleton is challenging Mitch to a bow-off, then let him accept it."

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