1. I have short legs!!

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"Stupid seats. Stupid planes. Stupid 7 hours. Stupid Raven." I mumbled as I pushed passed people.

God, this airport is full and how the fuck am I supposed to find the exit? Or those people that came to take me.

Simply. We don't and they don't.

Ohh, they will because I don't want to sleep in this airport full with sweaty and stinking people.

"Excuse me! I know that I'm short, but I'm not fucking invisible!" I spitted at a girl because I think she wanted to walk through me since she almost knocked me down.

"For me, you are loser." she said and kept walking.

I dropped my suitcases and raised my sleeves. "Come here bitch and I'll shown you who is the loser here."

She widen her eyes and started to run. As I wanted to run after her, a hand stopped me by grabbing my right arm.

"So you must be Shadow." a deep voice said and I cursed under my breath.

My hopes of escaping them were now vanished.

Good job, idiot.

Shut up.

I let out a sigh as I turned around. "Unfortunately, I am Shadow."

The guy in front of me was tall as fuck and he looks damn fine. He has brown slightly curly hair, brown eyes that were watching me intently and a damn nice jawline.

If I was in other circumstances, I would totally flirt with him.

What about the duck?

Screw him. He is in the past and the past must stay in the past.

Yeah. Keep telling yourself that.

It's the true.

"Hello!" brownie said and waved his hand in front of my face.

I looked at him and blinked. "Sorry, I spaced out."

"It's fine. I'm Iron Greystorm and I'll lead you to your home."

Sadness filled my body at the word 'home'. I don't have a home. Those are just places I visit and maybe I stay there for a period of time, because home is where you can be yourself without having people judging you and I still have to find my home.

"I don't have a home. Home is just a stupid concept used by us to name a place where we feel at home. Where we feel welcomed and loved for who we are. And I no longer believe in this concept since 'home' can't be an always thing. We can have a home for 2 months and then PUF. You are homeless and unwanted." I explained with a straight voice as I pulled my suitcases to the exit.

Iron walked closely behind me. "Everybody has a home. You just need to find yours. And if you have a home for 2 months and then it suddenly stops being your home, it means that it never was your true home."

He has a point.

"Maybe you are right, but since then, I'm homeless." I shrugged looking in front of me the whole time. I don't want him to see how much this subject bothers me.

Suddenly, he was in front of me and smiled. A true smile, not a smirk or a sarcastic smile. This smile reaches his eyes and two dimples appeared on his beautiful face.

"Then, I hope that you will find your home at H.I.D.E., because it isn't a bad place like people are saying. Here we can be ourselves and we aren't judging each other."

His warm brown eyes were shining with honesty, but I was still reluctant. "And why aren't you judgmental morons?"

"Because we all know how it is to be looked at you like you are crazy, a monster, a loner, a freak and many other names, but in reality we are just different."

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