9. New students.

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I was dreaming that I was somewhere on top of a mountain. The sun was rising behind me and the cold breeze was playing with my hair. I was smiling like crazy. Someone called my name and I turned around to see who it was. It was-


I was on my feet in less than 2 seconds. My mind is working very slow in the morning so I stared 2 minutes at Leaf before registering his words.

"WHAAAAT??? FUCK." I ran in my bathroom to get ready.

"I KNOW. THAT'S WHAT I SAID!!" Leaf yelled back and I heard his footsteps fading.

I can't believe that I overslept. My alarm clock rang at 7, but I pressed the snooze button and went back to sleep. Or so I thought.

God, if I'm late Blast is going to give me hell about it and he will send me to those classes about 'How to be a reasonable leader'.

I shudder at the thought.

I ran in my walk in closet and dressed in my uniform which consists: a white slim shirt with a silver necklace with a lightning pendant, a pair of black skinny jeans, a black jacket with  the emblem of the rebellion (the 3 lions), black leather without-fingers gloves and black combat boots. This uniform is made special for each team and we use this one only when we have guests. For missions we have another uniform. A more safe and cooler one.

I quickly applied some mascara on my eyelashes and made my mask appear.

"DONE." I yelled and ran out of the house. Leaf followed me closely behind. 

"I can't believe that they left without us." he mumbled angrily and I would too, but I was still half asleep.

"Maybe they thought that we are awake. I mean, come on. How were they supposed to know that we are going to be late for a task? We usually are on time. FUCK. It's 7:58!!!! RUN." I said and we started to run like mad men.

"God, they will skin us alive! And I like my natural bronze and clear skin!!"

I scoffed and dodged past a branch. "Can't say the same thing. I'm white like fuck, but at last I don't have acnee anymore."

We busted through the main front doors. "WE'RE HERE!" We yelled and bumped our fists.

The new students were in front of us with Blast and our friends were in front of them. When they heard us, everyone turned to look at us.

"Here they are! How I said, always on time." Blast said and sent us death glares since we were almost late.

I wanted to give him a good comeback, but I was froze on my spot when I saw the new students. Just now I saw how tensed Windy, Aiden, Iron and Python were. They recognised them.

My face broke into a smirk.


You're damn right.

"Well, well, what we have here? The notorious Team Alpha? What brings you here, in our little crazy hole?" I asked and walked to my friends.

"Fate. And you should cut that attitude bitch or I'll cut you." Sparky threaten me and I started to laugh.

They didn't changed one bit. They look the same, just a little older and they are the same arogant fuckers. I'm arogant too, but they aren't in the position to be like that when I have all the rights.

"Just try to touch her and I'll rip you into shreds. Nobody messes with my best friend." Leaf growled at her and his eyes turned dark green.

"And you try to touch her and I will kill you." Ash growled back at Leaf and stepped in front of Sparky.

The RebornNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ