When S*** Gets Real

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A/N: I'll bet you didn't think I'd update, did you? Can you believe that I've been writing this for thirty days straight?! I've never done that!

The last thing you remembered was his smirk.

After that, a sinister creature seeped into your body. You couldn't fight against the immense power of the wickedness and so you allowed the darkness to envelope your soul, as you wondered what had happened to Newt.

Your mind was no longer your own. Your body was now host to a parasitic evil.

You huddled against the walls of your cranium, trying to peer through the murky fog that now possessed your entire being.

No matter where you turned, you could find no light, no happiness, no love- only hate and bitter anger.

Hello, (y/n), a familiar voice internally spoke to you. Ready for some fun?

Oh yes, you were.


He wasn't quite sure how long he had been passed out for but there was one thing Newt was definitely confident on and that was that you were in extreme danger.

As he pulled himself up from the bed, the fearful male suddenly gagged, as nausea rose in his throat.

He was going to be sick.

Running to the bathroom, he soon found himself emptying his bile into the toilet bowl. Lifting his head once he was done, Newt unsteadily stood up to wash his mouth it in the basin.

Eventually, he found the strength to hastily walk back to his dormitory.

That's when he noticed it...

...the silence. The emptiness of the bedrooms. Where was everyone?

Newt moved to look outside of the nearest window, which overlooked the courtyard and to his horror, he saw a body, lying smashed on the cobbled floor, surrounded by hundreds of students...


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