When He Has Surgery

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You were at his bedside, curled up in an uncomfortable hospital chair, as you waited anxiously for your "Sleeping Beauty" to wake up from his sedative-induced sleep.

You were so thankful that the surgery has no been a serious one but you were still depressed at the sight of Newt lying in a hospital bed. Who wouldn't be?

You had been awake for nearly twenty-four hours straight. Sleep still hadn't tempted you yet. You wanted to be conscious for when he awoke.

Which should have been at any moment. His sedative should have been wearing off by now. The Doctors had told you that he maybe a bit disoriented when he came to. Go figure.

You were so lost in ypir thoughts that you failed to notice Newt waking up from his "sleep", it wasn't until he spoke in a hoarse voice that you realised that he was back in the present day. "Leta?"



"Newt." you sighed with relief, taking his right hand in both of yours. "Hey, you're awake." you paused for a moment, your eyes welling up with tears. "Stupid question but how are you feeling?"

"Thirsty." he whispered, his voice scratchy from sleep.

You let go of Newt's hand and went to the room's table, where pitcher of water rested. You quickly poured him a drink and placed a straw in the cup. Walking back to the bed- being mindful not to spill any of the water- you brought the straw to his parched lips, allowing him to drink. He swallowed a few sips before indicating the he was finished. You took the water back to the table, before returning to your lover's side and resuming your  previous hand-holding gesture.

"Thanks." he sighed, his voice sounding instantly clearer. He frowned. "H-how long have I been...out of it for?"

"Seventy-five years."

He chuckled, instantly regretting the action. It hurt like...like being pummeled by an Obscurus. "Seriously, how long?"

"Nearly a whole day." you paused. "Newt?" 


"The next time you decide to chase that damn Niffler of yours, can you maybe avoid swinging from a chandelier and having it break and fall on you?" 

A boyish grin spread across his face and his eyes, sparkled with humour. "I'll see what I can do."

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