When You Lose The Baby

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A/N: Contains triggers.


Newt had returned from the tore, he'd been buying supplies for you, his pregnant wife. "Darling, I'm home!" he called, waiting for a reply. Nothing.

He assumed that you had fallen asleep, so Newt made his way to their bedroom.

When he walked into the silent room, his eyes rested on your still figure, he was quite far away from the bed where you lay a sleep but even from his position, he could tell something was wrong.

Quickly, he moved towards his resting beauty and what he found made his blood run cold and heart skip a beat.

There was blood drenching the lower half of your body, soaking through your brushed cotton pajamas. "Darling, darling, wake up! Please, wake up!"

He gently had tried to wake you up, coaxing you from unconciousness. "Tabitha, Tabs!" when you did not awake, the male looked around in despair.

Next stop, the hospital.


"How are they?" Jacob asked, as Newt stood by a large window that overlooked the Hospital grounds, staring at the swaying trees.

"(Y/N)'s over the worst. They're still dizzy and confused."

"And the kid?"

There was an awkward pause, the male closed his his eyes and prayed for the best. "They..." he let out a shaky breath. "They had a miscarriage."

There it was, the statement he had hoped not to hear uttered.

A nurse was exiting your room.

His baby, your baby, was gone before it could have even formed into a tiny human being.

Now his beloved was most likely in great despair over the ordeal. "Can I see them?" finally he asked the nurse. There was such sadness in his eyes.

"Of course, they're asking for you."


When he walked into the room, tears were already falling from his eyes, blurring his vision.

On the bed you lay curled up, carressing your stomach, acknowledging the loss of your baby. You felt so empty, there was no life blossoming in you anymore. You were just an empty shell.

"Love?" he spoke softly, testing to see how you would react.

You burst into tears.

Enveloping you in his arms, Newt tried to sooth his poor traumatised beloved. "Sssh, I'm here, I'm here now. Oh, (y/n), I'm so sorry."

"She's gone!" you wailed, sobbing further into his chest. You clutched at the fabric of his shirt as you wept further.

"Oh, darling." he held you tighter to him, this had to be some terrible nightmare. It had to be.

"We'll never get to meet her. Our poor, Joanne...she'll never...Our little baby Eddie..."

"I know, I know and I wish I could stop this."

"Oh, ...I'm sorry." Your agonising howls of distress tore Newt's heart into two.

"So am I."

Newt Scamander PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now