Swapcop!Sans x reader

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Art by: thegreatrogue

Kristine: Hey there broskis! So my gal isn't here again 😎. She's having some time with my sister 😏. Anyways she told me this oneshot is Swapcop Sans so I hope you enjoy! Also I forgot to mention you are a retired soldier here
Third Person POV

"(Nickname)? I'm home!" A familiar voice rang through the room as you cooked in the kitchen.

"I'm in the kitchen Sans!" You called as you prepared dinner. You smiled as you saw the cheery skeleton walk in.

He sniffed the air and almost drooled from the heavenly scent.

"Where's Papyrus?" You asked as you tilted your head. He snapped out of his daze and shook his head, turning to you.

"He has the night shift." He grumbled crossing his arms, he'll probably just sleep there anyway.

You chuckled and placed the food on two plates and handed one to Sans, to which he gladly took and you kept the other.

The both of you sat on the couch and watched TV while eating.

"Hey (Y/n)? Can you make us our lunch tomorrow?" Sans asked, hoping you would agree.

You chuckled, you knew Sans and Papyrus loved your cooking and whenever he asked you always had something else to do.

"Sure why not." He grinned and went into the kitchen and put the dish in the sink before running back to you and giving you a hug.

You smiled warmly and returned the hug with one arm and stood up, releasing the hug and placing the dish in the sink as well.

You started climbing the stairs but stopped as you saw Sans sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Since I know you've been getting constant magic overflows why don't you sleep with me instead?" From that statement he shot up from his seat and literally carried you to your room.

You giggled as he had a goofy grin plastered on his face as he entered the room and gently laid you on your bed.

Needless to say that night was filled with warm cuddles and innocent kisses.

Time skip...

Sans woke up when the sun was still down, being a cop meant he needed to go patrol the city early.

He couldn't help but smile warmly at your peaceful figure that was wrapped in his arms.

He brushed off a strand that got in your face and kissed your forehead before getting up to get ready.

Short lil' time skip brought to you by Kai and Kyla snuggling each other in their sleep 😆

After doing a patrol with his brother the both of them went to a room where cops who don't have duties hang out.

"Hey guys!" He greeted as a few monsters smiled and greeted back, Alphys who was off duty saw Sans and grinned.

"So Sans! You seem a bit more cheerful today! Did something happen?" She grinned mischeviously as Papyrus also nodded and looked at him for an answer.

"Maybe he finally found a crush!" Doggo teased as the others began to listen to their conversation as the skeleton blushed.

"W-what?" Sans stuttered and scratched the back of his neck as some others began to ask him questions.

"N-no! That's not it! Besides I'm already dating someone!" Silence. Pap looked ready to crack up as everyone had a 😐 face.

"I never knew you had it in you man!" A bear monster grinned patting the skeleton's back.

Out of embarrassment the skeleton teleported away leaving his brother laughing.

"Hey Paps ya'll never told us Sans was datin' someone." A random monster said as Papyrus chuckled.

"That's because you never asked. Don't worry though I think you might be able to see her today." He said walking out the door but stopped as he was the middle of getting out and turned around, a smirk on his face.

"He only gets that excited when (Y/n) is involved." And with that he left as some murmured in what would she look like.

As they were gossiping a (h/c) haired girl entered the lounging room with a paper bag in her arms.

She spotted the yellow dinosaur that seemed to fit Sans description.

"Um... Are you Ms. Alphys?" She asked tapping her shoulder as a few stopped talking to listen.

"Yep! That's me! Anything I could help with?" She asked as the girl smiled, the attitude of the bulky monster reminding her of Sans.

"I was wondering if you've seen Sans or Papyrus." She rubbed the back of her neck.

Now this caught their attention, before they could say anything Sans came back in and literally almost tackled the girl when he hugged her.

(Y/n) giggled at his behavior and kissed his cheek, handing the paper bag to him.

"Thanks for the lunch (Y/n)! I get to leave early for a break and Pap is going to stay here for a while." Sans explained as she nodded.

"While I'm eating you can stay here and get to know them, alright?" She grew a bit nervous but nodded and watched him kiss her forehead before leaving.

Alphys then grinned mischeviuosly and eyed the blushing female in front of her.

"So you're the one who made so Sans much more lively."

"Really?" You mumbled, scratching the back of your neck.

You spent the next few hours to get to know them so much they even started teasing you.

"Those were nice people." You giggled as you remembered them as you and Sans sat on the couch.

"Did you enjoy it there?" He asked as you yawned and nodded, cuddling up to him.

"Love you, Sans." You muttered before falling asleep.

He smiled and kissed your forehead.

"Love you too, (Y/n)."

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