Jasper x reader

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Can some people tell what was PJ's name here? I forgot 😅 I only know that Error is the prince of the vampires and PJ was his disciple and all of that shiz so sorry if I got it wrong

Edit: thank you all for rebooting my forgetful mind and remember his name is Jasper! (No wonder I kept thinking it has to do something with Casper)

Kristine: That rad picture above is Fallacy or Error! And some of the stuff here are madeup since we need a plotline

Also sorry I couldn't update  really early but the thypoon nearly killed us! You know why? They cut off the electricity AND the WIFI
Third Person POV

In the silent night, A black figure silently sprinted through the forest.

Tonight was the night his disciple will have a mate. It didn't matter if it wasn't a vampire they would just need to become one.

But it was easier said than done, they needed to find the perfect body that could withstand all of their blood being drained before being replaced with vampire blood.

Suddenly, the figure stopped and sniffed the air and smelled a faint scent of their pupil and sprinted faster as they ended up in the town.

Their was a legend that one vampire found its mate if they had their scent and their blood would taste sweeter than honey to them.

They stopped as they heard a melodic voice sing what people thought that only the vampires know.

Their in a nearby little river where none ever come for it was told that monsters lived there.

Was a beautiful girl, with (h/c) hair and sparkling (e/c) eyes. The figure crept closer as they sang like a goddess.

She stopped singing and looked around in caution. The black figure gave a smirk and immediately picked up the girl and teleported away.

The sudden kidnapping and teleporting made the girl nauseous as they passed out.

Time skip...

"Ugh..." You groaned as you sat up, rubbing your head. 'Man that was a weird dream.

I had a weird dream where floating horse head picked me up and we floated to the moon that looked like a waffle.'

Then your eyes widened when you saw that you were laying down on a royal bed in what seemed like a palace.

"Oh! You're awake!" You looked at the black skeleton that was in front of you.

You immediately got out of the bed and gave a defensive position.

You couldn't help but look at him and by his facial features he was about your age and he looked cute.


He put his hands up in defense as he gave a nervous smile.

"H-hey! I'm not here to hurt you!" He scratched the back of his neck as he looked away and gave a little blush.

You dropped your guard a little but was still cautious about the mysterious creature.

"Were you the one who took me?" You glared as he gave a shocked expression.

"W-what? N-no! My mentor, Fallacy was the one who took you!" He quickly explained as you sighed and tried to calm your nerves.

For some reason, you felt more at ease when you were with him even though you weren't really open to people.

"What's your name?" He asked as he sat on the bed, patting a spot next to him.

You were a little suspicious but slowly sat down and answered his question.

"(Y/n). Yours?" You asked as you blushed lightly and avoided his gaze as he looked at you.

"I am Jasper, prince of the vampires! But you can just call me Jasper!" He smiled as he looked at you lovingly.

When his mentor brought you in the castle he couldn't help but feel as if he knew you for his whole life and at the same time you two just met.

"Y'know for some reason I feel safe around you." She blurted out as PJ let out a hum and looked into her eyes as she turned her head towards him.

"I actually feel the same thing." Without one of them knowing their faces were inches apart from each other.

You gazed into his eyes and all you could see was lust for love.

The two of you closed the gap and were in a passionate kiss. You blushed as you felt his hand rub your thigh.

You gasped when he suddenly pinned you onto the bed as his eyes turned into hearts.

He purred as he began nibbling your neck and your eyes widened when you felt how sharp his fangs were.

Jasper managed to create a tiny wound and tasted one drop of blood.

His eyes widened as his eyes softened and he let out a groan.

"You taste so good~" He moaned and bit harder, sucking up the blood and lapping some that seeped out.

You moaned and wrapped your arms around his neck.

You didn't care if he was a vampire or if he was sucking your blood, all you could think about was the pleasure he was putting on your sweetspot.

His instincts kicked in and began drinking your sweet blood that was even sweeter than honey faster.

He didn't know what he was doing. One minute you two were getting to know each other and the next he was turning you into a vampire.

Your blush darkened as you moaned out his name making him suck faster.

After sucking almost all of your blood he suddenly pulled away and kissed you and began transferring his magic into you.

One arm was around your waist while the other was at the back of your head.

Jasper's closed eyes glowed and magic trailed off it as yours began to spew out magic as well.

His magic soon became your blood as the two of you fought for dominance.

Once the transformation was done you pulled away and panted as you felt the wound on your neck stop bleeding and slowly magic formed around it.

Jasper laid down and spooned you as he purred. You awkwardly were okay with it as sleep caught the both of you.

But not before hearing Jasper's whisper.

"Love you, (Y/n)."


It had been a few weeks after transforming into a vampire and learned that Fallacy actually took you since you were Jasper's mate.

You were fine with it though since you didn't really liked to be around a lot of people in the town.

Your relationship with Jasper became stronger and you learned to love the cute skelly even more.

Jasper was a bit protective and gets a bit jealous when you were talking to Suave but you would always stay faithful to him.

Though sometimes you would ignore him and talk to Suave since you always did find his face cute when he gets jealous ;)

Kristine: Fun fact! When the storm was still continuing but there was only little rain and a lot of wind our dog went out side to do their business! 😂😂😂

They didn't even care if it was a thypoon 😆 I had to wait for them to come back but I lost sight of them for a second since a leaf came to greet my face 😅

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