Wolffell!Papyrus x Shy! Reader

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Third Person POV

You sighed and gave a soft smile, feeling the soft breeze brush your face.

You were in the forest, sitting on a hill, laying down while staring up at the night sky.

You always came here to relax, and since your house wasn't too far, this was your favorite place.

As you stared up you can't help but feel something else missing, you were always the shy type.

Therefore you barely had any friends, no one to talk to or just generally be with.

So it was a little lonely, you shook your head, away from the thoughts, slowly getting up and adjusted your scarf.

You were about to walk back to your little cabin until you heard a growl.

You became worried, it wasn't threatening but it sounded in pain.

Slowly taking footsteps, you followed the pained growls and sad whimpers.

Only to see a beautiful beast, badly beaten and wounded.

Your eyes softened and look at the creature, mesmerised, when you saw the skeletal features with wolf ears and bushy tail.

You immediately knew it was a rare skeletal wolf, and a teenage one at that.

This forest was famous for rare creatures but no one has lived to tell the tale for they were left there to die as they get lost.

You slowly walked forward, the beast noticing yet watches you carefully, trying to find any aggresive action.

"H-hey..." You mumbled, crouching down, this skelewolf was a bit small, not like most, big and tall.

"Do... Do you need any h-help?" You asked, these rare monsters were highly intellectual, and he answered with a hesitant nod.

"O-okay, I'll go g-get something to heal those... Wounds, I'll b-be right back!" You assured as he seemed to slowly relax, but still on guard.

Before you could walk back to your cabin he grabbed your hand, making you look at him as he began to use sign language.

'Thank you, for your kindness. I know you may not understand me but my name's Sans.'

"Sans," You repeated as his tail slightly wagged, happy you could understand him, "Reminds me of a font."

He let out a wolfy chuckle as you giggled, before going into the cabin.

As soon as you found the first aid kit you dashed outside, at Sans' side immediately and began to patch uo his cuts carefully.

Suddenly, his ears twitched, moving here and there as he whimpered, looking behind you.

At the same moment you stiffened, seeing a large shadow envelope you as you began to turn around.

It was a Manticore, a strong yet blind raged one to boot. Your breathing quickened as it growled.

From Sans' actions, this was the one that had deeply injured him but you weren't going to leave him here alone to fend for himself.

You stood your ground, blocking the half bat half lion thing from the rare monster.

It roared, raising up a claw, ready to attack until it was rammed by the side by a large black and red blur.

You gasped as you saw a tall skelewolf growling, it gave you a side glance then at the other.

He jutted his head towards your cabin as you nodded in understanding and gently picked up the injured one.

You sprinted towards your cabin seeing the two monsters fight in the corner of your eye.

You panted as you went inside, placing Sans on the couch and began to patch him up again.

"W-was that y-your b-brother?" You guessed as he silently nodded and quickly signed something.

'He and I don't really act like brothers though.'

Before you could there was a knock at your door and by the worried growls you knew it was the big wolf.

You opened the door and let him inside, he had a little struggle when entering through the door but seemed to fit inside the house.

He immediately gave Sans a growl sounding like he was scolding him but hugged him after, Sans obviously surprised.

You giggled when Sans yelped as he was picked up and placed on his brother's back, grabbing on his skull.

He turned to you giving a nod of thanks and you smiled, he gave a grin and softly licked your cheek.

'Thank you for taking care of my troublesome brother, my name is The Terrible Papyrus, and I do hope we'll meet again.'

You waved goodbye as they left the house but frowned in confusion when Sans bonked his brother's head.

They turned around and ran back stopping in front of you as Sans signed something.

'We almost forgot to ask for your name.'

You giggled as the two looked a little embarrassed. "My name's (Y/n)." You said, surprised your voice didn't waver.

Pap's tail wagged, seeming to like the name before giving you a little nuzzle along with Sans.

You smiled, remembering the first time you all met, and now here you are cuddling the two wolves.

You giggled tiredly from playing with Sans as Papyrus wrapped you two in a protectibe embrace.

He licked your cheek lovingly before you fell into sleep's arms.

Wattpad won't let me finish Swapfell lemon >:(

|Traveling through the AUs| Undertale AU oneshots and lemonsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz