Chapter 8

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I jump up as the tracker rings loudly. "I'm gunning it. " I say. We speed up, and I see Christinas and Marlenes cars boxing in on the tracking spot.

We spot a black, old model car. I can see Marcus driving. Mom gets JoJo on the phone.

"You get em' Tris?" She asks, as soon as she answers.
"Yah. We are boxing him in, but we need someone in front." I say, speeding in time with Marcus.

"Comin right up!" She says. Then, before my very eyes, a giant truck with a steel side rams in front of Marcus' car.

I scream, slamming on the brakes as Marcus screeches to a halt in front of me. My head slams forward, hitting my nose on the steering wheel. I feel a crunch on my nose.

"More warning next time Jojo!" I groan. "Sorry Tris. I'll pay for any damage." She says, in a voice drowned with guilt.

"You better." I say. "Are you ok?" Mom asks, holding her head.

I shake my head. I try to pinch my nose to keep it from bleeding, but wince in pain. Definitely broken. We get out of the car quickly, seeing the front of Marcus' car smashed.

The agent in the steel side- car comes out, gun in hand. As he checks on Marcus, Mom helps me force open the other doors.

Tears start coming from my eyes, knowing what could be awaiting me. I get the backseat open, ignoring the agent behind me pulling Marcus from the car. All I can focus on is the unconscious Four laying on the floor of the backseat.

"Mom. Help. Now." I say. I struggle to pull him up. Will makes it over, and him and Christina help me pull him up.

"Tris, this is serious. We need to get more help." Will says as we sit him up. "I know. Its just..."I trail off. I don't want to lose him. I want to help. He got in this trouble because of me. I just met him, but I'm falling for him, and now I've almost killed him.

"I'm calling the police." Christina says, leaving me to wake up Four. I lean over him, shaking his shoulder. "Four. Four get up!" I yell. He stays still. I know he's breathing, just not waking up.

I can see through the window that cars are stopping and taking pictures. Can't they just get the hell away! Especially right now.

"Four!" I scream, trying to stay strong. I see some form of recognition in his face, a slight twitch of his mouth. I take all these stupid emotions balled up, and slap him.

I know, harsh, but it works. He groggily opens his eyes, obviously in pain. "T- Tris?" He says.

A smile shoots across my face,"Four you're ok!" I yell, hugging him hard. He lets out a smell yelp. I release him immediately.

"Oh my god Four I'm so sorry!" I say. I don't know what to do... what to say. Everything just happened so fast.

Before I know what is happening, I hear sirens approaching us. "W- what did he do to you?" I ask, helping him out. He rubs his wrists, where we removed an old rusted chain from.

"You wouldn't understand. He's been... abusing me... for years. My mom died at birth, and he blamed me. He hated me as a child, and when I turned 4, he beat me with a belt. Every night. I would try to escape but he always found me. Even now that I'm in my twenties."

A steady stream of tears flows through my eyes. "Four, I. I'm so sorry."
"I don't want pity. I want to go to a hospital." He says, rather harshly. I'm taken aback.

By now, the paramedics are jogging toward us. Now that he's out of the dim car, I assess his injuries. A swollen, battered and bruised face. Belt lashes across his bare chest.

How could a father do this to your own son? In just one day, so much has happened. I let the paramedics pull me back, but I can't tear my eyes from Four.

They bring him to the ambulance.

How could he be so awful when I just saved his life. "Tris! Tris Prior!" A paramedic says, snapping in my face.

"S- sorry. What is it?" I say, pulling my attention reluctantly from Four.
"We need to set your nose." He says, leading me to another ambulance.

"Fine." I say, sitting on the edge of the truck.

I just saved the man I'm falling for, hurt myself for him, and he pushed me away. What did I do?

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