Chapter 15

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"I love you Mom" I call, as she runs to her plane. They both had to leave today after spending the week with us. Dad definitely approved of Tobias, which I was glad about.

Tobias has his arm around my waist, and is waving too. I smile, I love having them home, but if they stay too long we end up fighting. It's never anything bad, I guess we just get annoyed at each other.

"It's been a great week. I loved meeting your parents." Tobias says, as we turn around to leave. I nod,"You'll get to see Mom next month for her fashion show. I'll be in it."

He smiles like a teenager,"What will you be wearing?" I laugh,"She is bouncing around the ideas. Don't get your hopes up, I am not a Victoria's Secret model."

I see the dissapointment, and it makes me laugh again. We walk to the car, and he gets in the driver seat.

"What do you want to do tonight?" I ask.

"Date night. I may or may not have already planned it." He says with a grin. We drive home, and I get so excited for this evening.

"Semiformal or casual?" I ask.
"Where are we going?"
"It's a secret."
"Wh-" He stops me,"Stop interrogating me."

I giggle,"Fine!"

When we get home, he goes to his room and gets into the shower. I go to my room and grab some clothes to hang in the bathroom while I take a bath.

I told Vivi and Chef to take the day off this morning, because I was in a "Pizza and Netflix" kind of night. Now I'm going on a date, but I wouldn't call them back.

I fill the tub with warm water, and add Epsom salt, bubbles and lavender oil. I take off my clothes and toss them in the laundry basket. I make a mental note to empty it, it is way overfilled.

I dip into the tub, relaxing in the water. I put my phone in the lifeproof case, and text Christina.

Date night!  Tris


I roll my eyes, typical Christina.

😂Calm down psycho. I don't even know if that would happen. Tris

You never know. Now go get ready hawt stuff 😉 Christina

I laugh, putting my phone down. I relax a few minutes before shaving... everything... and getting out. I have about an hour to get ready.

I dry off and lotion up with some lavender bath and body works. I put on some black lacy undergarments and then get to work on my mop of hair.

I decide to put on music so I can have a dance party while I do my face. My hair ends up curled and in a ponytail, and I put on some dark mascara with a car eye, and a light pink lipstick. Of course in addition to moisturizer and concealer.

I put on my outfit, which is white jeans, a black lettermans jacket that I still fit in from highschool, a black crop top, and oreo jordans.

When I go to walk downstairs, Tobias is standing there with a single rose.

I smile,"So perfect." He escorts me down, and out to his new car. I keep grinning like a child.

"First destination... Chipotle." He says, as we pull out.

"My favorite!" I exclaim.
"I know," he says with a wink. The drive is quick, and we have a personal concert on the radio.

When we walk in, I see a trail of petals leading to a table for 2, and nobody else in the restaurant. I smile, and laugh joyfully.

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