Joker One Shot : I'll Set You Free

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I sat in my padded room. Straight jacket on. My jet back hair masking my face. As I heard the door unlock and looked up giving the guard a twisted smile as I looked at him through a slight split in my hair showing my bright brown eyes.

"Hey physo I think someone's here to talk" He said his tone echoing through the walls outside.

"Fun fun fun fun fun!" I said with slight enthusiasm as I laughed manically after. As my hair now showing my whole face.

"Psychotic bitch" He said his tone still cold.

"Awh that's no way to talk to a lady!" A man called down the hall as I saw his body clap hard onto the ground as the sirens went off as I soon moved my arms and got free of my straight jacket. I got out of it 30 minutes ago. I soon stood up and looked through the small peep hole in my isolated room.

"Hello ? J is that you ?" I said with a happiness in my time my voice bouncing off the walls.

"Yes baby it's me" He said as he strutted down the hall his small heel clicking on the ground as he opened his arms and gave me his silver grilled smile.

"Awh don't you look dapper ?" I said as I bit my tongue smiling looking up and down at him through my peep hole seeing him in his purple suit.

"Only for you baby cakes" He said as he puckered his lips "Come on give Daddy some sugar" He said as he leaned forward and his face we inches from mine and held a short passionate kiss as I bit his lower lip tugging at it. He laughed through gritted teeth pulling back.

"Well someone's teasing aren't they ?" He said as he made a hand gesture towards his men and I instantly heard blow torches going around the door hinges. I stood back against the padded wall my nails digging into the soft cushions as the door flew down and Joker stepped in opening his arms in a showy way as I ran up to him and swung my arms around his neck jumping up wrapping my legs around his waist as he threw his gun to the floor holding my butt as he looked at me his eyes full of lust.

"Let's go home" He said as I jumped down as one of the guys gave me my black matte axe. I swung it over my head getting used to it as Joker observed me and then shook his head.

"No no no" He said as he strutted over to me circling me "This doesn't seem right"

"What is it ?" I said swinging my axe over my shoulder making sure not to his face.

"You outfit is just...hmm someone get her the clothes I bought! FROST!" He called out as frost ran down the hall with a trunk. And stood in front of me lowering it and leaving it at my feet.

"Awh I missed this I wondered where you put this" I said as I laid down my axe and opened the trunk and bent over fully not bending my knees as I shuffled through it soon pulling out my killer outfit.

"Wow" He said as he ran his thumb over his lower lip "Much...much better" He said rubbing his hands together

"Now how about we bust this joint and take a few...let's say-souls" I said widening my eyes when U day this as he gave me a chest grin and I swung my axe over my shoulder.

"I'll set you free my little raven" He said as he skipped in front of my as his men eyed me up and down. If he saw this he would not like it at all. I saw the guard who had put me in the straight jacket and offered me to have sex with him so I could get out.

"Is this him ?" He said pointing to the guy who was tied up in a chair with blood drilling down the side of his face and down his nose.

"That's him" I said with sneer looking at him as his eyes where filled with pain and begging for mercy.

"Pl-please don't h-hurt me I-" I cut him off by slapping him across the face drooling my axe onto the ground

"YOU SCUMBAG DO YOU NOT SEE WHO IS STANDING RIGHT THERE ?! MY MAN" I said pointing behind him spitting on the floor in front of him as I held the edge of the chair he was tied to digging my nails into his bleeding arms as he winced in pain.

"Baby baby ease up" The Joker said as he placed a hand on my shoulder pulling me back as I whipped my head around to him stroking his face.

"Of course but don't you want to know what he said to me ?" I said with a slight pout as I placed both my arms on his shoulder as his hands rested on my waist.

"Oh I'm sure it was nothing that bad" He said laughing it off. He didn't know. But he was about to find out.

"Really ? Well..." I said as I whispered in his ear his hands tightened into fists after I finished as I placed my hand on the side of his jaw and kissed beneath his ear as he let out a low growl.

"YOU WHAT ?!" He said as he jumped the gaurd out of his skin.

"What are you going to do to me ?" He said as he spluttered out blood onto the floor as I walked over to where my axe was placed and squatted down to get it,as J continued to talk to him.

"You see that ass ? That fine ass ? That ass is mine" He said as I walked to stand next to Frost "anyone who thinks about her or even looks at her sexually I don't think they'll see the sun rise tomorrow" As soon as he said that I gave every one of his goons looked away non guilty as I wagged my finger at each of them.

"What are you going to do-" He said but was soon cut off with Jokers hand clasping on his face

"Ssssh...I am going to have so much fun with you" He said as he looked back at me and I blew him a kiss.

"Don't take all the fun I want to have a go too" I said slightly whining as I stood my feet a little.

"Of courses of course let's get you and this little guy home so we can have some fun shall we ?" He said as he walked over to my draping a arm over my shoulder as I swung my axe next to me before swinging it loosely by my side.

"Of course honey let's get home" I said as I planted a kiss on his cheek before he made a hand signal before taking the guard away,as I got into his purple Lamborghini as we sped back to our place and soon started the fun. Man I really for sorry for him. After Harley left him for Deadshot I don't think he was ever the same. Until he set me free of course. I was crazy before Wayne became The Bat. Then I met him.

Random ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora