The Voices : Harleen Quinzel Session

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It started when you had visited your mother in Arkham. The voices. They wouldn't go away. Whispering things. Horrible, twisted, murderous things.

You had been locked in Arkham after twisting a pair of scissors into a shop assistants eye and pulling it out. Your (H/L) (H/C) hung in ropes as it had matted and thickened over the years at Arkham.

Soon you heard the voices whisper.

'It's opening'
'They sent a woman dressed in white to get us out'
'This is going to be fuuuuun~'

A faint beep sounded as a key card was swiped on your door. The door slid open with a small echo through the empty halls of screaming patients.

You were lead down a long corridor and into a room and placed in a chair.

"Don't move and you'll get less voltage this time round" The guard said with a slight hint of pleasure in his tone.

"Fine" I said through my teeth.

I looked up and saw a pretty woman with a white lab coat on and dyed blonde hair, with a pair of China Blue eyes to match.

"Hello I'm Dr.Har-" The woman started  

"Hareleen Quinzel. I know who you are the voices told me" I said my head slightly twitching to the side to get a better look at her.

"Right. Getting to it-"

"I know why you're here and I know something others don't, your doing things you shouldn't. Helping a patient more than others-"

"That's enough now (Y/N)" She said sternly her whole form tensing up as I said this.

"I haven't heard that name in years my name is Psych now that's what the voices picked" I said. I said the word 'years' more dreamily than usual.

Dr Quinzel began to become less tense.

"I'm here to help Psych to understand these voices" She said calmly her pen scratching occasionally on the black clip board she brought with her.

"You'll understand soon enough," I whispered "Don't trust him"

"What do you mean ?" She asked pretending not to know who I was talking about.

"My..." I said pausing to listen to the voices.

'He's your brooootheeer~'
'Big bad brother Joker'
'The clown princes sister'

"My brother," I said looking at her my eyes widened "He's not what you think, how else do you think I got these it's because of him. GET THEM OUT! GET THEM OUT!" I screamed.

My head began to fill with words and phrases becoming louder by the second, I felt like my skull was going to crack from the inside out.

They wouldn't STOP!

"HELP ME! GET THEM OUT!" I shouted looked at her. Her eyes confused, looking as they wanted to help but not knowing how.

The door opened and the voices were silent but whispering like wind through the leaves. I rocked back and forth.

"I'm sorry Dr.Quinzel but your session is up with our patient I'll send in The Joker next" The guard from before said as he hoisted me from my chair. I looked behind me as Harleen had resumed her seat trying to stay composed.

"Don't trust him. Don't trust him. Don't trust him" Was all I could manage as I kept repeating this to myself down the halls then I felt it.

His presence.

My brother.

"Sister" He growled.

"Brother" I spat.

We both paused and laughed manically at each other. We both shared the same voices but mine where worse. I knew they were because his weren't as loud.

"Till next time" He said simply.

"Till next time" I whispered back our ice blue eyes locking with each other and snapping away as they marched him towards the room with the Dr in it.

'Have fun' I said to him.

'Oh don't worry dear sister I will' He said mentally back.

I had a smug smile. He would soon wrap that stupid blonde around his finger and we'd both be out of here before The Bat could drag in The Riddler.

I wonder what it's like outside now ? Maybe rain.

Rain always calmed the voices.

And for only a moment during the short silence I would be sane.

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