When white meets grey - BEASTARS {4}

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What am I doing? There are so many other wolves she should be with, like the athletes.

"I'm sure if you inform the staff it should be fine" I say, my hands shifting from my bags straps to my pockets.

"Don't want to be late!" She bounces, taking my wrist and pulling me behind her in a run. I try to overtake her using my full speed but I'm barely managing to keep up with her.

How is she so fast? I look around us and stop holding her hand as she stops with me.

"It's just over there" I pant, I let go of her hand as I feel my sweat glands making my hands wet. She lets go of my hand and walks in, I dry my hands on my pants as I follow in behind her.

Kyouko does all the speaking, I can feel my eyes glaze over as my ears tune out the conversation.

"Legoshi" The principal snaps at me.

"Y-yes sir?" I question, being snapped back to the room.

"I will allow this nature walk, Miss Akiyama if you wish to continue this nature walks could you please fill out the form my secretary will hand you on the way out and hand it back here within a week, d'you understand?" He rounds off, looking at Kyouko directly.

"Yes sir, thank you" Kyouko says, we both bow and exit as she grabs her form.


I look over to the bench by the beginning of the path, I've never been further than that. I knew the on site woods to be a place for couples.

So why would I ever need to go in, if I was going to be alone?

"You've never been past that bench have you?" Damn, she's good. I look to her and the entrance to the wood.

"Not anymore," I smile at her, I wanted to reassure her that she doesn't have to be alone. I could hear it in her voice. We walk through the woods together in silence, it's quite here, it's peaceful, it's nice.

I've not felt this calm since, I was at home.

Kyouko looks at her watch then looks up at me.

"We should get to our next lesson, I'll see you at dinner?" She asks, walking back the way we came.

"Yeah sure, I'll meet you by the entrance" I call to her as she looks back over her shoulder going in her our direction. Pulling out the map from earlier, I watch as she walks around the corner, my eyes following to the last strand of fur that disappears around the school building.

"Legoshi," A familiar voice calls out. It's Jack "Have you seen the new transfer? She's in our year, like seriously I saw her picture she's super hot. D'you think a pedigree like her would be with a mut like me?" He says dreamily as we make our way to class.

She's a pedigree? Well of course she is. No wonder why her fur and everything is causing everyone to drool over her.

A pure breed.

"Well do I?" He whimpers looking up at me.

"Maybe you should as Kyouko youself?" I say, walking past him into class and finding my seat.

"Wait? Have you already met her?" He asks shocked. I try to answer but Jack keeps badgering me with questions the whole lesson, I can't even manage to get in a word. I'll tell him when we get back to the form.

I wonder what's for dinner?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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