When white meets grey - BEASTARS {1}

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Legoshi POV

I walk down the hallway, I can already feel the staring of the other students as I pass them. I look to the floor.

Did I get taller over summer?

I want to see Haru. I need to see Haru.

I walk up the flight of stairs that lead to the Gardening Club. My feet stop as I reach for the door hand. I - I - I can't, smell her.

Haru? Where have you gone?

I sigh and turn away from the door, as it begins to open.

"Hello there, how can I help you?" A girls voice calls out to me. I turn back instead to see the usual small build of Haru, it was a wolf. Her coat, pure white.

My nose sniffs at the air, I can smell her. Is she?

In season?

Don't just stand there you idiot say something!

"H-Hi, my names Legoshi, third year, I was looking for my friend but she doesn't seem to be here" I sigh, shifting on my feet. Am I nervous?

She smiles softly, walking over to me and gently placing her hand on mine. Her fur is so soft.

"I'm a recent transfer here, I'm also in third year, I'm the only member since I took over from Haru,"

What?! Only member?

"I can tell that you loved her" The white wolf smiles, I haven't even asked her name way to go Legoshi.

"What do you mean?" I question, my eyes still on the floor. I haven't realised but she hasn't moved her hand, and neither have I.

"I can smell it on you," She sighs her noise sniffing around my ears "I heard your heartbeat increase when I said her name, unless I'm wrong and you just wanted to eat her? Or fetish?" She slightly laughs, she moves away from me and over to the Gardening Club door and closes it.

Even though she's talking about Haru, I know that a touch from the same species can calm you. There's something different about this wolf, I can feel it.

What's that smell? Her scent, on my hand it smells, sweet. Ugh Legoshi don't just stand there actually talk to her. I feel like I'm going through the same thing as when I met...Haru.

"Well something like that" I run my fingers through the fur on the back of my neck.

"Fetish then," She states, I freeze. Oh fuck now what the hell am I gonna say?

"I'm just kidding, the name's Kyouko Akiyama pleasure to meet you Legoshi I suppose you'd like an explanation on where Haru's gone and how I ended up in her position," She says, she walks down a flight of stairs I follow her "We have a bit of time before lunch, I promised Haru I'd tell you so here I go" She sighs, and continues walking I follow her.

Haru, gone? My Haru.

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