Pain - Derek Hale

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I walked into Derek's loft trying to hide my pain and limp, I know Derek will just worry and wont let me walk or leave me alone like Stiles and his bat. I swear Stiles will marry that thing.

"Hey baby" Derek said.

"Hey Derek" I said hoping he didn't realise how overly happy that sounded, Derek looked slightly confused but shook it off.

"What do you want for dinner?" Derek asked walking back to the kitchen.

"I don't mind" I said sitting on the couch. I took off my shoe and cried out in pain.

"Whats wrong!?" Derek exclaimed rushing to my side.

"Nothing just, stubbed my toe" I said my eyes watering Derek gave me a look as if to say 'Bitch don't lie' I sighed.

"I broke my toe" I said.

"What !? What happened ?" Derek said his eyes flashing blue sending chills down my spine.

"Don't worry, it's my fault!" I said placing a hand on Derek's forearm causing him to relax.

I explained to Derek what happened (making it seem more heroic than dropping a bench on my foot)

"Aw babe, okay so McDonald's and cuddles for Dinner then ?" Derek asked.

"Uh, ya" I replied with a smile

Derek smiled and kissed me gently on the lips before we got into his car.


After we got back to Derek's loft I collapsed onto the sofa after staring blankly at the ceiling for about 2 minutes I soon got up and walked towards the stairs and it soon happened in a matter of seconds with a small whoosh I was picked up off my feet as Derek walked with me in his arms, bridal style, up the stairs.

"Derek you know I don't have to be carried up the stairs I can walk up myself" I said putting my hand to my head letting out a small sigh.

"I know your strong enough but I don't want you to get hurt even by a small trip up the stairs" He said placing a kiss on my forehead and lips. When we reached the top of the stairs Derek lightly put me down as I leaned onto one of the hand rails as I looked up I saw Peter.

"So what's happened to 'your human' then ?" Peter said using air quotes as he said this.

"She hurt her foot and I'm planning on taking her to her room so she can rest" Derek said getting angrier by the second.

"Well you know it's times like this where the bite comes in handy" Peter said as his eyes turned blue and his teeth were exposed pointed and deadly.

"I swear to God Peter if you touch one hair on her head I will put you back in the hole of filth you so rightly belong" Derek said as he let out his claws on one of his hands.

"Okay both of you stop can I at least have one day were you guys don't try and kill each other please" I said as Derek and Peter looked back at me as I gave them both stern looks.

"Fine" Peter said the through gritted teeth as Derek gave me a small nod in reply, picking me up again and taking me into my room and placed me onto my bed as I put my head on one of my black silk pillows.

As I was closing my eyes I left one open as I saw Derek taking off his shoes and put his leather jacket onto the back of my chair which was tucked into my desk.

"What are you doing ?" I said closing my other eye as I had a slight smile on my face.

"I'm taking a nap with you isn't it obvious ?" He said as he laid behind me putting his hand in mine as it rested on my waist. He placed a small kiss on my neck as he inhaled the strawberry scent of my perfume.

"Derek as much as I love this, like really really love this but are you sure your not going to be called away for some supernatural or Beacon Hills destroying situation they need you on ?" I said turning my head around raising an eyebrow.

"It can wait" he said placing a small kiss on my lips as I turned my head back and soon drifted into sleep knowing that he probably wouldn't be there when I got up and this time I didn't mind.

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