The Purge : Jim Moriarty Version (Part 1)

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It's the year 2023. March 22nd the date of the annual purge. And oh boy did Jim know...


"Baaaaaabe" Jim called out as I walked into the kitchen, I looked around trying to find him but I was soon hugged from behind letting out a small yelp as he pulled me back into his chest.

"What is it ?" I asked as he placed kisses down my neck, resting his chin on my shoulder when he was done.

"Nothing...well it's not nothing it's just-nevermind" He said letting out a sigh and taking his hands away walking to the opposite side of the counter top and sat down on a high chair.

"Jim~" I sang softly walking over to him, standing behind him placing my hands on his shoulders causing him to go a little tense, but then loosen up as I started to massage his shoulders.

"Not now dear I'm planning" He says flatly as I continued to massage his back, thought stirs and a smirk begins to creep onto my face. I know exactly what to do to get him to talk. I ran my hands over his chest to the collar of his blazer, pulling it off his body. A small sigh escaping his lips.

I took off the shirt I was wearing, and bra and placed them on the kitchen side behind him. He continued to sip his coffee. I pulled the blazer over my shoulders and only did the top button up just to cover my bare chest. I walked past him slowly letting the bottom of the blazer show my panties as I heard Jim shuffle behind me.

"Jim~" I call sexily, his head turns and I see his eyes widen and then go back to normal as his cheeks flush a shade of red.

"Y-yes (Y/n)" He gulps, looking at me through the top of the cup.

I bite my lip and slid one shoulder off still letting it cover my chest, I lean forward bringing my arms together to show my cleavage, Jim almost chocks on his coffee. He places it to the side, walking over and standing next to me placing his hands on my hips, pulling me closer to him, my chest pressed against his.

"I want you...right now" He growls, snaking his hands up my back.

"Nuh-Uh...not until you tell me what's going on in that evil little mind of yours" I tease placing my finger on his temple.

"Baaabe~" He whimpers, pouting his lip like a small child.

"Tell me or I'm just going to tease you all day," I qurik, into his ear seductively lightly bubbling on his earlobe "And I don't think you'll want that do you ? Having me on your mind and thinking of all the things you'd do to me if you could..." As I pulled away I saw a flash of madness light up behind his eyes, I walk away into our bedroom to get dressed.

"Fine!" He almost screams, he was so eager "It's just I thought we could go to America today as its a very special day there and I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone or anywhere else" He said, leaning against the door frame as his eyes skimming over my body as I get dressed.

"Oh really ?" I say turning around crossing my arms over my chest, walking up to him to look at his soft brown eyes.

"It's..." He said pausing for dramatic effect as he whispered into my ear "The Purge" As he said this it sent shivers down my spine, ever since I met Jim and became his second in command I've dreamt about going to America and taking part in the Purge. Oh imagine the torment that we'll bring upon in all the states.

"So what do you say ^(y/n/n) fancy going to America and causing utter torment with yours truly" He said cockily before pulling me inches from his face

"Would I ever *(h/n/n)!" I squeak, his smile like the Cheshire Cat.

"Then it's settled" He states, placing a soft but passionate kiss on my lips "We'll take the jumbo jet, after all this is going to be memorable" He finishes as we walked into the kitchen and started eating some pancakes, talking about what we're going to bring.

*(h/n/n) His nickname

^(y/n/n) Your nickname

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